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Your search for bird returned 324 result(s) sorted by price.

Information about: in-store pottery-making demonstrations and the traditional process of making pottery

Large polychrome storage jar with a 4-panel bird, cloud and geometric design
 by Unknown of Zia Unknown, Zia, Large polychrome storage jar with a 4-panel bird, cloud and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Zia
Item Number: zzza1h376
Price: $ CALL
Dimensions: 14.25 in H by 7.5 in Dia

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Polychrome olla with rainbow and bird design
 by Unknown of Zia Unknown, Zia, Polychrome olla with rainbow and bird design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Zia
Item Number: kzzag0200
Price: $ CALL
Dimensions: 18 in H by 19.25 in Dia

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A classic polychrome Zuni jar decorated with a four-panel rosette, rain bird and geometric design
 by Unknown of Zuni Unknown, Zuni, A classic polychrome Zuni jar decorated with a four-panel rosette, rain bird and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Zuni
Item Number: brzu4h302
Price: $ 9950
Dimensions: 15.25 in L by 15.25 in W by 13.25 in H

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A large polychrome jar decorated with two cutouts and painted with a bird element and geometric design, all on a custom stand
 by Elias Pena of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Elias Pena, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A large polychrome jar decorated with two cutouts and painted with a bird element and geometric design, all on a custom stand
Artist: Elias Pena

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: lmcg4d302
Price: $ 8900
Dimensions: 14 in L by 14 in W by 15.75 in H Measurement includes stand

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A polychrome Sikyatki-style seed pot decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design, mostly above the shoulder
 by Nampeyo of Hano of Hopi Nampeyo of Hano, Hopi, A polychrome Sikyatki-style seed pot decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design, mostly above the shoulder
Artist: Nampeyo of Hano

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4h080
Price: $ 8500
Dimensions: 10 in L by 10 in W by 4.25 in H

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A polychrome jar with fire clouds and a two-panel spiral, bird element and geometric design
 by Dextra of Hopi Dextra, Hopi, A polychrome jar with fire clouds and a two-panel spiral, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Dextra

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3b502
Price: $ 8500
Dimensions: 8.75 in L by 8.75 in W by 7 in H

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An open polychrome bowl with a step-cut opening and decorated inside with brushes of color and decorated outside with dragonflies, katsinas, bird element, stars and geometric design
 by Garrett Maho of Hopi Garrett Maho, Hopi, An open polychrome bowl with a step-cut opening and decorated inside with brushes of color and decorated outside with dragonflies, katsinas, bird element, stars and geometric design
Artist: Garrett Maho

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4f130
Price: $ 7200
Dimensions: 13 in L by 13 in W by 10 in H

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Polychrome jar with a painted hummingbird, fine line, and geometric design, a gold kintsugi repair detail, and two miniature balanced matachine figures with feather and mask details
 by Carla Martinez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Carla Martinez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a painted hummingbird, fine line, and geometric design, a gold kintsugi repair detail, and two miniature balanced matachine figures with feather and mask details
Artist: Carla Martinez & Diego Valles

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg3g251
Price: $ 7200
Dimensions: 11.25 in L by 11.25 in W by 9.25 in H, measurement includes stand and masked matachine

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A large polychrome jar decorated with a bird, plant and geometric design
 by Thomas Tenorio of Santo Domingo Thomas Tenorio, Santo Domingo, A large polychrome jar decorated with a bird, plant and geometric design
Artist: Thomas Tenorio

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: zzsd4k010
Price: $ 6200
Dimensions: 17.75 in L by 17.75 in W by 24.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with bird element and geometric design
 by Fannie Nampeyo of Hopi Fannie Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with bird element and geometric design
Artist: Fannie Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: xxhog8430
Price: $ 6200
Dimensions: 5.5 in H by 9 in Dia

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Black jar with a sgraffito hummingbird, vine and flower design
 by Arturo Quezada of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Arturo Quezada, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Black jar with a sgraffito hummingbird, vine and flower design
Artist: Arturo Quezada

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: xxcgd9091m5
Price: $ 5900
Dimensions: 30.25 in H by 20 in Dia

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Black jar with a sgraffito hummingbird, vine and flower design
 by Arturo Quezada of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Arturo Quezada, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Black jar with a sgraffito hummingbird, vine and flower design
Artist: Arturo Quezada

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg1h203m1
Price: $ 5900
Dimensions: 18 in L by 18 in W by 27.75 in H Measurement includes stand
Sale Price: $ 4200

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Large polychrome jar with a sgraffito and painted bird, rose, branch, leaf, and geometric design
 by Jesus Olivas of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Jesus Olivas, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Large polychrome jar with a sgraffito and painted bird, rose, branch, leaf, and geometric design
Artist: Jesus Olivas

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcg3j750
Price: $ 5900
Dimensions: 21.25 in L by 21.25 in W by 28.25 in H, measurement does not include stand

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A polychrome Sikyatki-style jar decorated with bird, hand and geometric design, with an organic opening
 by Jacob Koopee of Hopi Jacob Koopee, Hopi, A polychrome Sikyatki-style jar decorated with bird, hand and geometric design, with an organic opening
Artist: Jacob Koopee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4f401
Price: $ 5900
Dimensions: 12 in L by 12 in W by 5.25 in H

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Large white ware wedding vase with black and red bird element and geometric design
 by Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman of Hopi Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman, Hopi, Large white ware wedding vase with black and red bird element and geometric design
Artist: Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rwho0k126
Price: $ 5500
Dimensions: 17.25 in H by 12 in Dia

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Polychrome jar with an organic opening, fire clouds, and a painted bird and geometric design
 by Jacob Koopee of Hopi Jacob Koopee, Hopi, Polychrome jar with an organic opening, fire clouds, and a painted bird and geometric design
Artist: Jacob Koopee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3k652
Price: $ 5200
Dimensions: 8.75 in L by 8.75 in W by 4.75 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel bird, bird element and geometric design
 by Dee Setalla of Hopi Dee Setalla, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel bird, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Dee Setalla

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4g260
Price: $ 4900
Dimensions: 14.25 in L by 14.25 in W by 13 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated around the body with a four-panel thunderbird and geometric design
 by Robert Patricio of Acoma Robert Patricio, Acoma, A polychrome jar decorated around the body with a four-panel thunderbird and geometric design
Artist: Robert Patricio

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4l270m1
Price: $ 4800
Dimensions: 12 in L by 12 in W by 11 in H

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A polychrome Sikyatki-style jar decorated above the shoulder with a four-panel bird element, katsina and geometric design
 by White Swann of Hopi White Swann, Hopi, A polychrome Sikyatki-style jar decorated above the shoulder with a four-panel bird element, katsina and geometric design
Artist: White Swann

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3h200
Price: $ 4600
Dimensions: 14.5 in L by 14.5 in W by 6.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with a 2 panel bird element and geometric design
 by Steve Lucas of Hopi Steve Lucas, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a 2 panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Steve Lucas

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ahho2e169
Price: $ 4200
Dimensions: 10 in L by 10 in W by 7.25 in H

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A polychrome wedding vase decorated with an eagle tail, bird element and geometric design
 by Jacob Koopee of Hopi Jacob Koopee, Hopi, A polychrome wedding vase decorated with an eagle tail, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Jacob Koopee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: dkho4m107
Price: $ 4200
Dimensions: 3.75 in L by 4 in W by 8 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a bird and geometric design
 by Garrett Maho of Hopi Garrett Maho, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a bird and geometric design
Artist: Garrett Maho

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3h730
Price: $ 4200
Dimensions: 12.5 in L by 12.5 in W by 7.5 in H

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A black on red jar decorated with a three-panel bird element, serpent and geometric design
 by Juan Quezada Sr of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Juan Quezada Sr, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A black on red jar decorated with a three-panel bird element, serpent and geometric design
Artist: Juan Quezada Sr

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: thcg4g301
Price: $ 3800
Dimensions: 9.25 in L by 9.25 in W by 9.75 in H Measurement includes stand

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An open black bowl carved with a thunderbird and geometric design
 by Juanita Gonzales of San Ildefonso Juanita Gonzales, San Ildefonso, An open black bowl carved with a thunderbird and geometric design
Artist: Juanita Gonzales

Pueblo: San Ildefonso
Item Number: brsi4h301
Price: $ 3800
Dimensions: 16 in L by 16 in W by 3 in H

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Sienna jar with an off-center neck and a sgraffito moon woman on horse, coyote, deer, bird, rabbit, abstracted landscape, and geometric design; includes a First Award ribbon from the 1978 SWAIA Annual Indian Market in Santa Fe, NM
 by Jody Folwell of Santa Clara Jody Folwell, Santa Clara, Sienna jar with an off-center neck and a sgraffito moon woman on horse, coyote, deer, bird, rabbit, abstracted landscape, and geometric design; includes a First Award ribbon from the 1978 SWAIA Annual Indian Market in Santa Fe, NM
Artist: Jody Folwell

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: josc3k155
Price: $ 3700
Dimensions: 8.5 in L by 8.5 in W by 11.5 in H

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A polychrome jar with a rolled lip and decorated with a four-panel eagletail, bird element and geometric design
 by Dextra of Hopi Dextra, Hopi, A polychrome jar with a rolled lip and decorated with a four-panel eagletail, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Dextra

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: heho4g056
Price: $ 3600
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.75 in W by 4 in H

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A Sikyatki-style jar with a recurved rim and a four-panel moth, bird element and geometric design
 by Hisi Quotskuyva Nampeyo of Hopi Hisi Quotskuyva Nampeyo, Hopi, A Sikyatki-style jar with a recurved rim and a four-panel moth, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Hisi Quotskuyva Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3b509
Price: $ 3500
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 4.75 in H

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A Ramos Polychrome jar with a flared lip and a three-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Juan Quezada Sr of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Juan Quezada Sr, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A Ramos Polychrome jar with a flared lip and a three-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Juan Quezada Sr

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: cjcg4e251
Price: $ 3400
Dimensions: 10.25 in L by 10.25 in W by 9.5 in H Measurement includes stand

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A lidded red jar decorated with a three-panel sgraffito hummingbird, flower and geometric design
 by Alvina Yepa of Jemez Alvina Yepa, Jemez, A lidded red jar decorated with a three-panel sgraffito hummingbird, flower and geometric design
Artist: Alvina Yepa

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: zzje4e060
Price: $ 3300
Dimensions: 7.5 in L by 7.5 in W by 10.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a 2-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Dextra of Hopi Dextra, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a 2-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Dextra

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: spho1g303
Price: $ 3200
Dimensions: 4 in H by 7.25 in Dia

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Polychrome jar with a bird and geometric design
 by Unknown of Zuni Unknown, Zuni, Polychrome jar with a bird and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Zuni
Item Number: zzzu3d070
Price: $ 3200
Dimensions: 7.75 in L by 7.75 in W by 5.75 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel rain bird, fine line, kiva step and geometric design
 by Robert Patricio of Acoma Robert Patricio, Acoma, A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel rain bird, fine line, kiva step and geometric design
Artist: Robert Patricio

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4k249
Price: $ 2800
Dimensions: 9.5 in L by 9.5 in W by 7.75 in H

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Large polychrome canteen with handles and a bird element and geometric design
 by Rachel Sahmie of Hopi Rachel Sahmie, Hopi, Large polychrome canteen with handles and a bird element and geometric design
Artist: Rachel Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2b402
Price: $ 2800
Dimensions: 10.75 in H by 10.75 in W by 13 in L Measurement includes stand and corn cob stopper

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A tall polychrome bowl decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Gloria Kahe of Hopi Gloria Kahe, Hopi, A tall polychrome bowl decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Gloria Kahe

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3h210
Price: $ 2750
Dimensions: 8.75 in L by 8.75 in W by 9 in H

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A polychrome jar with a custom matching stand, carved and painted with a Paquime-derived bird element and geometric design
 by Tavo Silveira of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Tavo Silveira, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A polychrome jar with a custom matching stand, carved and painted with a Paquime-derived bird element and geometric design
Artist: Tavo Silveira & J Octavio Silveira

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg4k178
Price: $ 2700
Dimensions: 11 in L by 11 in W by 16 in H Measurement includes stand

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Polychrome jar with a flared lip and a 4-panel bird-hanging-from-sky-band and geometric design
 by Fawn Navasie of Hopi Fawn Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a flared lip and a 4-panel bird-hanging-from-sky-band and geometric design
Artist: Fawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho1k296
Price: $ 2600
Dimensions: 10 in H by 8.25 in Dia

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Polychrome jar with flared lip and bird and geometric design
 by Unknown of San Ildefonso Unknown, San Ildefonso, Polychrome jar with flared lip and bird and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: San Ildefonso
Item Number: zzsi2f210
Price: $ 2600
Dimensions: 8 in L by 8 in W by 7.75 in H

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A sitting grandmother storyteller figure with a tablito on her head and with five children, butterflies, a turtle, a bird and a pot o n her
 by Marilyn Ray of Acoma Marilyn Ray, Acoma, A sitting grandmother storyteller figure with a tablito on her head and with five children, butterflies, a turtle, a bird and a pot o n her
Artist: Marilyn Ray

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4j243
Price: $ 2500
Dimensions: 6 in L by 4.5 in W by 8.75 in H

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A large polychrome bowl decorated inside with a black on white bird, fish and geometric design, and around the outside with a black on white geometric design
 by Robert Tenorio of Santo Domingo Robert Tenorio, Santo Domingo, A large polychrome bowl decorated inside with a black on white bird, fish and geometric design, and around the outside with a black on white geometric design
Artist: Robert Tenorio

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: mmsd5a295
Price: $ 2400
Dimensions: 14 in L by 14 in W by 6.5 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel lizard, tadpole, bird element, fine line and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel lizard, tadpole, bird element, fine line and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: shho4f340
Price: $ 2200
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 6 in H

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A low-shouldered polychrome jar decorated with a hummingbird, flower, plant, water symbol and geometric design
 by Thomas Tenorio of Santo Domingo Thomas Tenorio, Santo Domingo, A low-shouldered polychrome jar decorated with a hummingbird, flower, plant, water symbol and geometric design
Artist: Thomas Tenorio

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: zzsd4k310
Price: $ 2200
Dimensions: 14 in L by 14 in W by 8.75 in H

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Polychrome cylinder with bird element and geometric design
 by Jean Sahmie of Hopi Jean Sahmie, Hopi, Polychrome cylinder with bird element and geometric design
Artist: Jean Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: xxhod9515
Price: $ 2200
Dimensions: 10 in H by 4.75 in Dia

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Polychrome jar with a flared opening and a traditional Zia design featuring roadrunner, hummingbird, flower, and geometric elements
 by Ruby Panana of Zia Ruby Panana, Zia, Polychrome jar with a flared opening and a traditional Zia design featuring roadrunner, hummingbird, flower, and geometric elements
Artist: Ruby Panana

Pueblo: Zia
Item Number: mmza3e250
Price: $ 1995
Dimensions: 12.75 in L by 12.75 in W by 17.5 in H

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A brown jar decorated with a sgraffito hummingbird, flower and geometric design
 by Bernice Naranjo of Taos Bernice Naranjo, Taos, A brown jar decorated with a sgraffito hummingbird, flower and geometric design
Artist: Bernice Naranjo

Pueblo: Taos
Item Number: zzsc4g080
Price: $ 1950
Dimensions: 6.5 in L by 6.5 in W by 9.5 in H

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Miniature polychrome jar with sgraffito Mimbres bird, heart, butterfly, and geometric design
 by Joseph Lonewolf of Santa Clara Joseph Lonewolf, Santa Clara, Miniature polychrome jar with sgraffito Mimbres bird, heart, butterfly, and geometric design
Artist: Joseph Lonewolf

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc2k015
Price: $ 1900
Dimensions: 1.25 in L by 1.25 in W by 1.5 in H

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A polychrome wedding vase decorated with a two-panel bird, cloud and geometric design
 by Unknown of San Ildefonso Unknown, San Ildefonso, A polychrome wedding vase decorated with a two-panel bird, cloud and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: San Ildefonso
Item Number: zzsi4l500
Price: $ 1900
Dimensions: 8.25 in L by 8.25 in W by 10 in H

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Polychrome jar with a split design featuring a sgraffito hummingbird, flower, feather, and geometric design on one half and a carved melon design with twenty-four ribs on the other
 by Vangie Tafoya of Jemez Vangie Tafoya, Jemez, Polychrome jar with a split design featuring a sgraffito hummingbird, flower, feather, and geometric design on one half and a carved melon design with twenty-four ribs on the other
Artist: Vangie Tafoya

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: dkje3c248
Price: $ 1900
Dimensions: 10.75 in L by 10.75 in W by 7.25 in H

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A sitting grandfather storyteller figure with a drum, five children, lady bugs, birds, a butterfly, a puppy and a turtle
 by Marilyn Ray of Acoma Marilyn Ray, Acoma, A sitting grandfather storyteller figure with a drum, five children, lady bugs, birds, a butterfly, a puppy and a turtle
Artist: Marilyn Ray

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4j242
Price: $ 1900
Dimensions: 6.5 in L by 5 in W by 6.5 inH

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A black-on-red bowl with fire clouds and a two-panel bird element and geometric design below the shoulder and a four-panel crosshatching and geometric design above the shoulder
 by Rondina Huma of Hopi Rondina Huma, Hopi, A black-on-red bowl with fire clouds and a two-panel bird element and geometric design below the shoulder and a four-panel crosshatching and geometric design above the shoulder
Artist: Rondina Huma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3g433
Price: $ 1800
Dimensions: 9 in L by 9 in W by 4.5 in H

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A black on red lidded jar with handles, a flared and scalloped rim, an oblong shape, fire clouds, and a painted bird and geometric design
 by Unknown of San Ildefonso Unknown, San Ildefonso, A black on red lidded jar with handles, a flared and scalloped rim, an oblong shape, fire clouds, and a painted bird and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: San Ildefonso
Item Number: zzsi3h423
Price: $ 1800
Dimensions: 6 in L by 7.75 in W by 6 in H

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Polychrome lidded jar with distinctive organic shape, a hummingbird, leaf, and geometric design and a matching lid with a geometric shape
 by Carla Martinez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Carla Martinez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome lidded jar with distinctive organic shape, a hummingbird, leaf, and geometric design and a matching lid with a geometric shape
Artist: Carla Martinez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg3d251m1
Price: $ 1750
Dimensions: 3.75 in L by 3.75 in W by 5.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a 4-panel bird and geometric design above the shoulder and a 4-panel katsina and geometric design below the shoulder
 by Joseph Latoma of San Felipe Joseph Latoma, San Felipe, Polychrome jar with a 4-panel bird and geometric design above the shoulder and a 4-panel katsina and geometric design below the shoulder
Artist: Joseph Latoma

Pueblo: San Felipe
Item Number: ahsf2e151
Price: $ 1700
Dimensions: 13.25 in L by 13.25 in W by 11.5 in H
Sale Price: $ 1250

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Polychrome jar with Mimbres animal, bird and geometric design
 by Juan Quezada Jr of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Juan Quezada Jr, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with Mimbres animal, bird and geometric design
Artist: Juan Quezada Jr

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: crcg0k342
Price: $ 1600
Dimensions: 8.25 in H by 7.75 in Dia Measurement includes stand

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Polychrome jar with butterfly, bird, flower, and geometric design
 by Lois Medina of Zia Lois Medina, Zia, Polychrome jar with butterfly, bird, flower, and geometric design
Artist: Lois Medina

Pueblo: Zia
Item Number: drza2g091
Price: $ 1600
Dimensions: 13.75 in L by 13.75 in W by 8.25 in H

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A polychrome jar with a flared rim and decorated with a 2two-panel bird  and flower design below the shoulder and an eight-panel geometric deign above the shoulder
 by Thomas Tenorio of Santo Domingo Thomas Tenorio, Santo Domingo, A polychrome jar with a flared rim and decorated with a 2two-panel bird and flower design below the shoulder and an eight-panel geometric deign above the shoulder
Artist: Thomas Tenorio

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: zzsd4e152
Price: $ 1600
Dimensions: 9.5 in L by 9.5 in W by 12 in H

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A polychrome wedding vase decorated with a four-panel bird, flower and geometric design
 by Thomas Tenorio of Santo Domingo Thomas Tenorio, Santo Domingo, A polychrome wedding vase decorated with a four-panel bird, flower and geometric design
Artist: Thomas Tenorio

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: zzsd4m034m1
Price: $ 1600
Dimensions: 7.5 in L by 7.5 in W by 13.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with bird, flower, and geometric design
 by Rose Chino Garcia of Acoma Rose Chino Garcia, Acoma, Polychrome jar with bird, flower, and geometric design
Artist: Rose Chino Garcia

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: rsac2k202
Price: $ 1600
Dimensions: 8.5 in L by 8.5 in W by 6.5 in H

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A sitting grandmother storyteller with a tablito and four children a bowl, puppies, kitten, birds, butterfly and lady bugs
 by Judy Lewis of Acoma Judy Lewis, Acoma, A sitting grandmother storyteller with a tablito and four children a bowl, puppies, kitten, birds, butterfly and lady bugs
Artist: Judy Lewis

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4h144
Price: $ 1500
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 3.75 in W by 9.25 in H

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Tall polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a sgraffito and painted bird, cornstalk, tadpole, and geometric design
 by Gwen Setalla of Hopi Gwen Setalla, Hopi, Tall polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a sgraffito and painted bird, cornstalk, tadpole, and geometric design
Artist: Gwen Setalla

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: llho3g296
Price: $ 1500
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 14.5 in H
Sale Price: $ 1200

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A red and golden micaceous turtle figure with inlaid stones and decorated with a carved and sgraffito hummingbird, butterfly, flower and geometric design
 by Melony Gutierrez of Santa Clara Melony Gutierrez, Santa Clara, A red and golden micaceous turtle figure with inlaid stones and decorated with a carved and sgraffito hummingbird, butterfly, flower and geometric design
Artist: Melony Gutierrez

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc4k306
Price: $ 1500
Dimensions: 10.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 5.75 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a hummingbird, flower and fine line design
 by Carla Martinez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Carla Martinez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A polychrome jar decorated with a hummingbird, flower and fine line design
Artist: Carla Martinez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: dtcg4h273
Price: $ 1500
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 5.25 in H Measurement includes stand

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Polychrome jar with bird element and geometric design, plus fire clouds
 by Stella Huma of Hopi Stella Huma, Hopi, Polychrome jar with bird element and geometric design, plus fire clouds
Artist: Stella Huma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cchog6167
Price: $ 1500
Dimensions: 8 in L by 8 in W by 9.25 in H
Sale Price: $ 1200

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Polychrome jar with a three-panel deer-with-heart-line, butterfly, hummingbird, bee, flower, rainbow, and geometric design
 by Drew Lewis of Acoma Drew Lewis, Acoma, Polychrome jar with a three-panel deer-with-heart-line, butterfly, hummingbird, bee, flower, rainbow, and geometric design
Artist: Drew Lewis

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4a523
Price: $ 1500
Dimensions: 12 in L by 12 in W by 9.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a bird and geometric design
 by Debbie Clashin of Hopi Debbie Clashin, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a bird and geometric design
Artist: Debbie Clashin

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3k646
Price: $ 1475
Dimensions: 9 in L by 9 in W by 4.25 in H

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Large polychrome bowl with a bird, flower, and geometric design on the inside and a bird, chick, and geometric design around the outside
 by Ambrose Atencio of Santo Domingo Ambrose Atencio, Santo Domingo, Large polychrome bowl with a bird, flower, and geometric design on the inside and a bird, chick, and geometric design around the outside
Artist: Ambrose Atencio

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: zzsd3f023
Price: $ 1450
Dimensions: 14.5 in L by 14.5 in W by 8.25 in H

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A polychrome jar with a flared rim and decorated with a six-panel rosette, deer-in-his-house, rainbird and geometric design
 by Carlos Laate of Zuni Carlos Laate, Zuni, A polychrome jar with a flared rim and decorated with a six-panel rosette, deer-in-his-house, rainbird and geometric design
Artist: Carlos Laate

Pueblo: Zuni
Item Number: zzzu4f141
Price: $ 1450
Dimensions: 10 in L by 10 in W by 8.25 in H

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A polychrome Sikyatki-style jar decorated above the shoulder with a four-panel checkerboard, bird element and geometric design
 by Dee Setalla of Hopi Dee Setalla, Hopi, A polychrome Sikyatki-style jar decorated above the shoulder with a four-panel checkerboard, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Dee Setalla

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho5a197
Price: $ 1400
Dimensions: 11.25 in L by 11.25 in W by 4.25 in H

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Polychrome bowl with hummingbird and flower design on inside and geometric design on outside
 by Michael Hawley of Non-Pueblo Michael Hawley, Non-Pueblo, Polychrome bowl with hummingbird and flower design on inside and geometric design on outside
Artist: Michael Hawley

Pueblo: Non-Pueblo
Item Number: esho2g044
Price: $ 1400
Dimensions: 10.25 in L by 10.25 in W by 4.25 in H
Sale Price: $ 1125

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A polychrome jar decorated with images of birds and butterflies
 by Marcellus Medina of Zia Marcellus Medina, Zia, A polychrome jar decorated with images of birds and butterflies
Artist: Marcellus Medina & Elizabeth Medina

Pueblo: Zia
Item Number: zzza5b148
Price: $ 1400
Dimensions: 8 in L by 8 in W by 7.75 in H

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Polychrome bowl with bird element and geometric design inside and a bird element and geometric design around the shoulder of the bowl
 by Marcia Rickey aka Flying Ant of Hopi Marcia Rickey aka Flying Ant, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with bird element and geometric design inside and a bird element and geometric design around the shoulder of the bowl
Artist: Marcia Rickey aka Flying Ant

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3a060
Price: $ 1395
Dimensions: 8.25 in L by 8.25 in W by 3 in H

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Polychrome jar with deer with heart line, bird, floral medallion, fine line, and geometric design
 by Jennie Laate of Zuni Jennie Laate, Zuni, Polychrome jar with deer with heart line, bird, floral medallion, fine line, and geometric design
Artist: Jennie Laate

Pueblo: Zuni
Item Number: btzu2l256
Price: $ 1300
Dimensions: 9.75 in L by 9.75 in W by 9.25 in H

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A polychrome wedding vase decorated with a four-panel bird, flower and geometric design
 by Thomas Tenorio of Santo Domingo Thomas Tenorio, Santo Domingo, A polychrome wedding vase decorated with a four-panel bird, flower and geometric design
Artist: Thomas Tenorio

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: zzsd4m030
Price: $ 1300
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 12.25 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a two-panel bird element, fine line and geometric design
 by Kylie Patricio of Acoma Kylie Patricio, Acoma, A polychrome jar decorated with a two-panel bird element, fine line and geometric design
Artist: Kylie Patricio

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4l229
Price: $ 1300
Dimensions: 8.25 in L by 8.25 in W by 8 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a bird element and geometric design
 by Jean Sahmie of Hopi Jean Sahmie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a bird element and geometric design
Artist: Jean Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2j080
Price: $ 1250
Dimensions: 8.25 in L by 8.25 in W by 5.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a 4-panel thunderbird, bird element and geometric design
 by Jeremy Adams of Hopi Jeremy Adams, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a 4-panel thunderbird, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Jeremy Adams

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2b404
Price: $ 1200
Dimensions: 10.25 in H by 7.5 in Dia

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A small, black on yellow canteen with handles and decorated on the face with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Nampeyo of Hano of Hopi Nampeyo of Hano, Hopi, A small, black on yellow canteen with handles and decorated on the face with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Nampeyo of Hano

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j132
Price: $ 1200
Dimensions: 5 in L by 4.5 in W by 3 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a carved and painted three-panel bird element, serpent and geometric design
 by Lazaro Ozuna of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Lazaro Ozuna, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A polychrome jar decorated with a carved and painted three-panel bird element, serpent and geometric design
Artist: Lazaro Ozuna

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg4k176
Price: $ 1200
Dimensions: 9.5 in L by 9.5 in W by 13.25 in H Measurement includes stand

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A polychrome low-shoulder jar decorated with a bird, plant, flower and geometric design
 by Thomas Tenorio of Santo Domingo Thomas Tenorio, Santo Domingo, A polychrome low-shoulder jar decorated with a bird, plant, flower and geometric design
Artist: Thomas Tenorio

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: hesd4g070
Price: $ 1200
Dimensions: 10.25 in L by 10.25 in W by 4.5 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel hummingbird, roadrunner, flower and geometric design
 by Marcellus Medina of Zia Marcellus Medina, Zia, A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel hummingbird, roadrunner, flower and geometric design
Artist: Marcellus Medina & Elizabeth Medina

Pueblo: Zia
Item Number: zzza5b146m2
Price: $ 1200
Dimensions: 6.5 in L by 6.5 in W by 7.25 in H

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A Polacca-D style bowl decorated inside with a pair of stylized bird-hanging-from-sky-band designs
 by Fawn Navasie of Hopi Fawn Navasie, Hopi, A Polacca-D style bowl decorated inside with a pair of stylized bird-hanging-from-sky-band designs
Artist: Fawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3g430
Price: $ 1200
Dimensions: 12.25 in L by 12.25 in W by 3.5 in H

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A low shouldered jar decorated with a slipped and sgraffito hummingbird, butterfly, flower and feather design First Prize ribbon from Powhatan Renape Nation Juried Indian  Arts Festival 1991
 by Helen Tafoya of Jemez Helen Tafoya, Jemez, A low shouldered jar decorated with a slipped and sgraffito hummingbird, butterfly, flower and feather design First Prize ribbon from Powhatan Renape Nation Juried Indian Arts Festival 1991
Artist: Helen Tafoya

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: shje4f602
Price: $ 1200
Dimensions: 9.5 in L by 9.5 in W by 4.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with bird, flower, and geometric design
 by Ambrose Atencio of Santo Domingo Ambrose Atencio, Santo Domingo, Polychrome jar with bird, flower, and geometric design
Artist: Ambrose Atencio

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: aasd2f201
Price: $ 1150
Dimensions: 10.5 in L by 10.5 in W by 10.25 in H
Sale Price: $ 920

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A pair of polychrome ceramic slippers decorated with bird, plant, footprint and geometric designs
 by Unknown of Cochiti Unknown, Cochiti, A pair of polychrome ceramic slippers decorated with bird, plant, footprint and geometric designs
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Cochiti
Item Number: brco4h285
Price: $ 1150
Dimensions: 5 in L by 2.75 in W by 2.75 in H Measurement of largest dimensions

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Polychrome jar with bird element and geometric design
 by Dawn Navasie of Hopi Dawn Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with bird element and geometric design
Artist: Dawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: jbhoe7241
Price: $ 1150
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 7.25 in H
Sale Price: $ 925

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Small red seed pot with a raised rim and a sgraffito bird, sun face, milk thistle, feather and geometric design
 by Grace Medicine Flower of Santa Clara Grace Medicine Flower, Santa Clara, Small red seed pot with a raised rim and a sgraffito bird, sun face, milk thistle, feather and geometric design
Artist: Grace Medicine Flower

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc1m721
Price: $ 1100
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 2.25 in W by 2.25 in H

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Miniature polychrome seed pot with a sgraffito and painted bird, fish and geometric designJ21
 by Joseph Lonewolf of Santa Clara Joseph Lonewolf, Santa Clara, Miniature polychrome seed pot with a sgraffito and painted bird, fish and geometric designJ21
Artist: Joseph Lonewolf

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: jksc2b342
Price: $ 1100
Dimensions: 0.75 in L by 0.75 in W by 0.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a four-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Fawn Navasie of Hopi Fawn Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a four-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Fawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4d029
Price: $ 1100
Dimensions: 9 in L by 9 in W by 5.25 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel thunderbird and geometric design
 by Felisha Patricio of Acoma Felisha Patricio, Acoma, A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel thunderbird and geometric design
Artist: Felisha Patricio

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4l227
Price: $ 1100
Dimensions: 7.5 in L by 7.5 in W by 7.75 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a three-panel bird element and geometric design
 by White Swann of Hopi White Swann, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a three-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: White Swann

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: spho4f290
Price: $ 1100
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 5.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with bird, butterfly, plant, and geometric design
 by Sofia Medina of Zia Sofia Medina, Zia, Polychrome jar with bird, butterfly, plant, and geometric design
Artist: Sofia Medina

Pueblo: Zia
Item Number: esza2g034
Price: $ 1100
Dimensions: 9 in L by 9 in W by 8 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flared opening and a sgraffito, painted, and carved hummingbird, quail, dragonfly, flower, and geometric design
 by Martin Olivas of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Martin Olivas, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a flared opening and a sgraffito, painted, and carved hummingbird, quail, dragonfly, flower, and geometric design
Artist: Martin Olivas

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg3e078m1
Price: $ 1050
Dimensions: 8.5 in L by 8.5 in W by 14.25 in H, measurement includes stand

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Polychrome seed pot with a Mimbres lizard, quail, fish, rabbit, deer, bird, insect, flower, and geometric design
 by Barbara Cerno of Acoma Barbara Cerno, Acoma, Polychrome seed pot with a Mimbres lizard, quail, fish, rabbit, deer, bird, insect, flower, and geometric design
Artist: Barbara Cerno

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: rcac3d194
Price: $ 1050
Dimensions: 6.75 in L by 6.75 in W by 5.5 in H

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Polychrome wedding vase with a braided handle and a painted abstracted bird, fine line, and geometric design
 by Eva Histia of Acoma Eva Histia, Acoma, Polychrome wedding vase with a braided handle and a painted abstracted bird, fine line, and geometric design
Artist: Eva Histia

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: dkac3m092
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 6.75 in L by 6.75 in W by 10.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a three panel hummingbird, flower, cornstalk, and geometric design
 by Ruby Panana of Zia Ruby Panana, Zia, Polychrome jar with a three panel hummingbird, flower, cornstalk, and geometric design
Artist: Ruby Panana

Pueblo: Zia
Item Number: zzza3e040m2
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 10.25 in L by 10.25 in W by 10.5 in H

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A mixed-clay jar with a flared rim and a three-panel Paquime serpent, bird element, feather and geometric design
 by Elisa Ortiz of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Elisa Ortiz, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A mixed-clay jar with a flared rim and a three-panel Paquime serpent, bird element, feather and geometric design
Artist: Elisa Ortiz & Luis Vargas

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: cjcg4e262
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 11.5 in L by 11.5 in W by 14.25 in H Measurement includes stand

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Miniature red seed pot with sgraffito eagle, lightning bolt, storm cloud, and geometric design
 by Susan Romero of Santa Clara Susan Romero, Santa Clara, Miniature red seed pot with sgraffito eagle, lightning bolt, storm cloud, and geometric design
Artist: Susan Romero

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc2k014
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 1.75 in W by 1.75 in H

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Polychrome bowl with bird element design inside, bird element and geometric design outside
 by Marianne Navasie of Hopi Marianne Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with bird element design inside, bird element and geometric design outside
Artist: Marianne Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rrhok9081
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 3.75 in H by 9 in Dia

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Polychrome yellowware bowl with a bird-hanging-from-sky-band design inside and a band of geometric design around the shoulder
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Polychrome yellowware bowl with a bird-hanging-from-sky-band design inside and a band of geometric design around the shoulder
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho1m625
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 3.25 in H by 9.25 in Dia

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A polychrome bowl decorated with a bird-hanging-from-sky-band and splatter design inside with a geometric design and fire clouds on the outside
 by Les Namingha of Hopi Les Namingha, Hopi, A polychrome bowl decorated with a bird-hanging-from-sky-band and splatter design inside with a geometric design and fire clouds on the outside
Artist: Les Namingha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j172
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 6.75 in L by 6.75 in W by 3 in H

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A polychrome jar with a flared rim and decorated with a bird, mountain lion, rabbit and geometric design
 by Manuel Rodriguez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Manuel Rodriguez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A polychrome jar with a flared rim and decorated with a bird, mountain lion, rabbit and geometric design
Artist: Manuel Rodriguez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: thcg3m053
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 8.5 in L by 8.5 in W by 10.5 in H Measurement includes stand

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Polychrome jar with bird, butterfly, plant, and geometric design
 by Lois Medina of Zia Lois Medina, Zia, Polychrome jar with bird, butterfly, plant, and geometric design
Artist: Lois Medina

Pueblo: Zia
Item Number: poza2f250
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 9.5 in L by 9.5 in W by 7.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with distinctive indented details and a painted hummingbird, fine line, and geometric design
 by Diego Valles of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Diego Valles, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with distinctive indented details and a painted hummingbird, fine line, and geometric design
Artist: Diego Valles & Carla Martinez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: mgcg3k645
Price: $ 950
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.75 in W by 5 in H, measurement includes stand

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Polychrome jar with a traditional Kewa design featuring bird, flower, and geometric elements
 by Ambrose Atencio of Santo Domingo Ambrose Atencio, Santo Domingo, Polychrome jar with a traditional Kewa design featuring bird, flower, and geometric elements
Artist: Ambrose Atencio

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: zzsd3h404
Price: $ 950
Dimensions: 10.75 in L by 10.75 in W by 10.75 in H

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Large polychrome dough bowl with a Mimbres bird design on inside and a geometric design on outside
 by Paulita Pacheco of Santo Domingo Paulita Pacheco, Santo Domingo, Large polychrome dough bowl with a Mimbres bird design on inside and a geometric design on outside
Artist: Paulita Pacheco

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: zzsd3h430
Price: $ 950
Dimensions: 12.75 in L by 12.75 in W by 6.25 in H

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Black-on-white jar with a hummingbird, fine line, and bold geometric design
 by Eric Lewis of Acoma Eric Lewis, Acoma, Black-on-white jar with a hummingbird, fine line, and bold geometric design
Artist: Eric Lewis & Sharon Lewis

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4d056
Price: $ 950
Dimensions: 8.25 in L by 8.25 in W by 6 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel water beetle katsina, bird element and geometric design
 by Vernida Polacca of Hopi Vernida Polacca, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel water beetle katsina, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Vernida Polacca

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j101
Price: $ 950
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 7.25 in H

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Black jar with textured opening and sgraffito hummingbird, dragonfly, flower, and geometric design
 by Octavio Silveira of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Octavio Silveira, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Black jar with textured opening and sgraffito hummingbird, dragonfly, flower, and geometric design
Artist: Octavio Silveira

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: cjcg2k057
Price: $ 950
Dimensions: 7.75 in L by 7.75 in W by 11 in H measurement includes stand

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Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted Mimbres rabbit, bird, lizard, and geometric design
 by Lawrence Namoki of Hopi Lawrence Namoki, Hopi, Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted Mimbres rabbit, bird, lizard, and geometric design
Artist: Lawrence Namoki

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: lkho2l326
Price: $ 925
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 3.75 in H

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A sitting grandfather storyteller figure holding a child, puppy, birds, lady bugs, and butterfly, and decorated with a geometric design
 by Marilyn Ray of Acoma Marilyn Ray, Acoma, A sitting grandfather storyteller figure holding a child, puppy, birds, lady bugs, and butterfly, and decorated with a geometric design
Artist: Marilyn Ray

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4l148
Price: $ 925
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 3.25 in W by 5 in H

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A polychrome jar with a flared lip and a sgraffito-and-painted bird, branch, leaf and geometric design
 by Jesus Olivas of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Jesus Olivas, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A polychrome jar with a flared lip and a sgraffito-and-painted bird, branch, leaf and geometric design
Artist: Jesus Olivas

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg3e124
Price: $ 900
Dimensions: 7.75 in L by 7.75 in W by 10.75 in H Measurement includes stand

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A polychrome jar with a sgraffito-and-painted songbird, leaf and branch design
 by Sandra Lorena Arras of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Sandra Lorena Arras, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A polychrome jar with a sgraffito-and-painted songbird, leaf and branch design
Artist: Sandra Lorena Arras

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg3e126m3
Price: $ 900
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 8 in H Measurement includes stand

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A polychrome bowl with fire clouds and decorated inside with a frog, bird element and geometric design
 by Fawn Navasie of Hopi Fawn Navasie, Hopi, A polychrome bowl with fire clouds and decorated inside with a frog, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Fawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho3g429
Price: $ 895
Dimensions: 9.5 in L by 9.5 in W by 3.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a Santo Domingo bird and geometric design
 by Hilda Coriz of Santo Domingo Hilda Coriz, Santo Domingo, Polychrome jar with a Santo Domingo bird and geometric design
Artist: Hilda Coriz

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: plsd4b101
Price: $ 895
Dimensions: 10 in L by 10 in W by 10.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman of Hopi Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ahho2e210
Price: $ 895
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 7.25 in H

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A Ramos Polychrome jar with a rolled lip, a three-panel bird and geometric design and a band of corrugation around the neck
 by Consolacion Quezada of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Consolacion Quezada, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A Ramos Polychrome jar with a rolled lip, a three-panel bird and geometric design and a band of corrugation around the neck
Artist: Consolacion Quezada

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcg3g212
Price: $ 850
Dimensions: 10.25 in L by 10.25 in W by 8 in H

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Polychrome jar with eagletail, bird element and geometric design 
 by Elva Nampeyo of Hopi Elva Nampeyo, Hopi, Polychrome jar with eagletail, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Elva Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: thhoc8194
Price: $ 850
Dimensions: 5.25 in H by 9.25 in Dia

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Polychrome lidded jar with a roadrunner, bird, flower, and geometric design and a matching lid with a bear applique
 by Marcellus Medina of Zia Marcellus Medina, Zia, Polychrome lidded jar with a roadrunner, bird, flower, and geometric design and a matching lid with a bear applique
Artist: Marcellus Medina & Elizabeth Medina

Pueblo: Zia
Item Number: zzza4c202m2
Price: $ 850
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 9.75 in H

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Polychrome seed pot with a fish, bird, lizard, mosquito, caterpillar, and fine line geometric design
 by Rebecca Lucario of Acoma Rebecca Lucario, Acoma, Polychrome seed pot with a fish, bird, lizard, mosquito, caterpillar, and fine line geometric design
Artist: Rebecca Lucario

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac3d142
Price: $ 825
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 1.75 in H

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Miniature polychrome matachine effigy with a painted hummingbird, fine line, and geometric design, holding a matching guitar, and featuring a gold kintsugi repair on arm
 by Carla Martinez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Carla Martinez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Miniature polychrome matachine effigy with a painted hummingbird, fine line, and geometric design, holding a matching guitar, and featuring a gold kintsugi repair on arm
Artist: Carla Martinez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg3g252m3
Price: $ 825
Dimensions: 1.75 in l by 1.25 in W by 1.75 in H, measurement includes guitar in hand

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Miniature polychrome jar with an organic opening and a hummingbird and geometric design
 by Carla Martinez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Carla Martinez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Miniature polychrome jar with an organic opening and a hummingbird and geometric design
Artist: Carla Martinez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg3d253m2
Price: $ 825
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.25 in H, Stand shown for scale only

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Polychrome bowl with a bird, flower, and geometric design
 by Ambrose Atencio of Santo Domingo Ambrose Atencio, Santo Domingo, Polychrome bowl with a bird, flower, and geometric design
Artist: Ambrose Atencio

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: mgsd3c010
Price: $ 795
Dimensions: 11.75 in L by 11.75 in W by 4.5 in H
Sale Price: $ 650

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A brown jar with an everted lip and a black, four-panel bird and geometric design
 by Consolacion Quezada of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Consolacion Quezada, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A brown jar with an everted lip and a black, four-panel bird and geometric design
Artist: Consolacion Quezada

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcg3g211
Price: $ 795
Dimensions: 10.5 in L by 10.5 in W by 7.75 in H

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A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel bird element and stylized migration pattern
 by Nyla Sahmie of Hopi Nyla Sahmie, Hopi, A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel bird element and stylized migration pattern
Artist: Nyla Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4l210
Price: $ 795
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 3 in H

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Polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening and a painted coyote, rabbit, bird, and geometric design; includes a polished red stand
 by Manuel Rodriguez Guillen of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Manuel Rodriguez Guillen, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening and a painted coyote, rabbit, bird, and geometric design; includes a polished red stand
Artist: Manuel Rodriguez Guillen

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: thcg3m052
Price: $ 775
Dimensions: 7.5 in L by 7.5 in W by 9.25 in H Measurement includes stand

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A polychrome jar decorated with a sgraffito and painted two-panel serpent, bird and geometric design
 by Eduardo Quintana of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Eduardo Quintana, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A polychrome jar decorated with a sgraffito and painted two-panel serpent, bird and geometric design
Artist: Eduardo Quintana

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: npcg4d150
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 9 in L by 9 in W by 9.5 in H Measurement includes stand

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Polychrome yellowware bowl with a bird element and geometric design inside plus fire clouds
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Polychrome yellowware bowl with a bird element and geometric design inside plus fire clouds
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho1m622
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 3 in H by 8.75 in Dia

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Miniature red seed pot with a sgraffito Mimbres bird, animal, insect and geometric designJ51
 by Susan Romero of Santa Clara Susan Romero, Santa Clara, Miniature red seed pot with a sgraffito Mimbres bird, animal, insect and geometric designJ51
Artist: Susan Romero

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc1m518
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a sgraffito and painted bird and geometric design over a speckled background
 by Agnes Nahsonhoya of Hopi Agnes Nahsonhoya, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a sgraffito and painted bird and geometric design over a speckled background
Artist: Agnes Nahsonhoya

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4a510
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 8.5 in L by 8.5 in W by 6.25 in H

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Black-on-white jar with a hummingbird, fine line, and bold geometric design
 by Eric Lewis of Acoma Eric Lewis, Acoma, Black-on-white jar with a hummingbird, fine line, and bold geometric design
Artist: Eric Lewis & Sharon Lewis

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4d053
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 6.75 in L by 6.75 in W by 5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flared opening and a three-panel Mimbres spear fisher, crop harvester, bird, fish, plant, and geometric design
 by Juan Quezada Jr of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Juan Quezada Jr, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a flared opening and a three-panel Mimbres spear fisher, crop harvester, bird, fish, plant, and geometric design
Artist: Juan Quezada Jr

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: cjcg4b172
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 7.75 in L by 7.75 in W by 7.75 in H Measurement includes stand

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Polychrome jar with a sgraffito and lightly carved ram, bird, and geometric design against a textured background
 by Eduardo Quintana of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Eduardo Quintana, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a sgraffito and lightly carved ram, bird, and geometric design against a textured background
Artist: Eduardo Quintana

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: llcg3k463
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 8 in L by 8 in W by 8 in H Measurement includes stand

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Polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a thunderbird design
 by Gloria Kahe of Hopi Gloria Kahe, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a flared opening, fire clouds, and a thunderbird design
Artist: Gloria Kahe

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho4b188
Price: $ 725
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 8 in H

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Miniature red seed pot with a sgraffito bird, branch and geometric designG32
 by Rosemary Lonewolf of Santa Clara Rosemary Lonewolf, Santa Clara, Miniature red seed pot with a sgraffito bird, branch and geometric designG32
Artist: Rosemary Lonewolf

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc1m720
Price: $ 725
Dimensions: 1.5 in L by 1.5 in W by 1.5 in H

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A polychrome bowl decorated above the shoulder with a geometric design and on the inside with a bird element and geometric design
 by Nyla Sahmie of Hopi Nyla Sahmie, Hopi, A polychrome bowl decorated above the shoulder with a geometric design and on the inside with a bird element and geometric design
Artist: Nyla Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4l211
Price: $ 725
Dimensions: 6.26 in L by 6.25 in W by 2.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a two-panel traditional Zia design featuring roadrunner, flower, rainbow, hummingbird, fine line, and geometric elements
 by Elizabeth Medina of Zia Elizabeth Medina, Zia, Polychrome jar with a two-panel traditional Zia design featuring roadrunner, flower, rainbow, hummingbird, fine line, and geometric elements
Artist: Elizabeth Medina

Pueblo: Zia
Item Number: zzza4c203m2
Price: $ 695
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 7.5 in H

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Polychrome whiteware jar with a 2-panel bird-hanging-from-sky-band motif with geometric design
 by Nancy Lewis of Hopi Nancy Lewis, Hopi, Polychrome whiteware jar with a 2-panel bird-hanging-from-sky-band motif with geometric design
Artist: Nancy Lewis

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: isho1k223
Price: $ 695
Dimensions: 7 in H by 7.25 in Dia

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A polychrome plate decorated with a thunderbird and bird element design
 by Valerie Kahe of Hopi Valerie Kahe, Hopi, A polychrome plate decorated with a thunderbird and bird element design
Artist: Valerie Kahe

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho4b102
Price: $ 695
Dimensions: 10 in L by 10 in W by 1 in H

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Polychrome bowl with fire clouds and a bird element and geometric design inside and out
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Polychrome bowl with fire clouds and a bird element and geometric design inside and out
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho2j087
Price: $ 695
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 2.25 in H

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Polychrome bowl polished on the inside with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design on the outside
 by Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman of Hopi Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman, Hopi, Polychrome bowl polished on the inside with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design on the outside
Artist: Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ttho1b265
Price: $ 675
Dimensions: 3.5 in H by 5.75 in Dia

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A red bowl with a sgraffito avanyu, butterfly, hummingbird and geometric design
 by Candelaria Suazo of Santa Clara Candelaria Suazo, Santa Clara, A red bowl with a sgraffito avanyu, butterfly, hummingbird and geometric design
Artist: Candelaria Suazo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc4d250
Price: $ 675
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 3.25 in H

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A black on red jar decorated with a two-panel rain bird, fine line and geometric design
 by Carlos Laate of Zuni Carlos Laate, Zuni, A black on red jar decorated with a two-panel rain bird, fine line and geometric design
Artist: Carlos Laate

Pueblo: Zuni
Item Number: zzzu4l110m2
Price: $ 650
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 8.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design above the shoulder
 by Fawn Navasie of Hopi Fawn Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design above the shoulder
Artist: Fawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: khho1l243
Price: $ 650
Dimensions: 5.25 in H by 5.5 in Dia

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A polychrome jar decorated with a two-panel bird, cloud formation and geometric design
 by Florinda Shije of Zia Florinda Shije, Zia, A polychrome jar decorated with a two-panel bird, cloud formation and geometric design
Artist: Florinda Shije

Pueblo: Zia
Item Number: dkza4k030
Price: $ 650
Dimensions: 8.25 in L by 8.25 in W by 7.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with a deer-with-heart-line, bird, medallion, fine line, and geometric design
 by Anderson Peynetsa of Zuni Anderson Peynetsa, Zuni, Polychrome jar with a deer-with-heart-line, bird, medallion, fine line, and geometric design
Artist: Anderson Peynetsa

Pueblo: Zuni
Item Number: zzzu4a508
Price: $ 650
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 7.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a sgraffito and painted bird and branch design
 by Elicena Cota of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Elicena Cota, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a sgraffito and painted bird and branch design
Artist: Elicena Cota

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg1h719m1a
Price: $ 625
Dimensions: 8 in L by 8 in W by 13 in H Measurement includes stand

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A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Darlene Nampeyo of Hopi Darlene Nampeyo, Hopi, A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Darlene Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4e072
Price: $ 625
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 3.25 in H

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A black jar with sienna spots and a sgraffito avanyu, hummingbird, flower and geometric design
 by Melvin Moquino of Santa Clara Melvin Moquino, Santa Clara, A black jar with sienna spots and a sgraffito avanyu, hummingbird, flower and geometric design
Artist: Melvin Moquino

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc4e021
Price: $ 625
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 3.75 in H

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Black figure of man and child, includes wooden log seat, cork seat, wood drumstick, and wood and leather drum
 by Jose Victor Aguilar of San Ildefonso Jose Victor Aguilar, San Ildefonso, Black figure of man and child, includes wooden log seat, cork seat, wood drumstick, and wood and leather drum
Artist: Jose Victor Aguilar

Pueblo: San Ildefonso
Item Number: ttsi2f073
Price: $ 625
Dimensions: 4 in L by 5 in W by 6 in H

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Ed is a polychrome horse with a child on its back, lizard head and bird appliques and decorated with a geometric design
 by Judy Lewis of Acoma Judy Lewis, Acoma, Ed is a polychrome horse with a child on its back, lizard head and bird appliques and decorated with a geometric design
Artist: Judy Lewis

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4h191m2
Price: $ 595
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 5 in W by 3.5 in H

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Polychrome plate with a thunderbird and geometric design
 by Mollie Naranjo of Santa Clara Mollie Naranjo, Santa Clara, Polychrome plate with a thunderbird and geometric design
Artist: Mollie Naranjo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: crsc0k234
Price: $ 595
Dimensions: 1.25 in H by 9.75 in Dia

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A polychrome giraffe figure decorated with a geometric design, plus a butterfly, birds and lady bugs
 by Judy Lewis of Acoma Judy Lewis, Acoma, A polychrome giraffe figure decorated with a geometric design, plus a butterfly, birds and lady bugs
Artist: Judy Lewis

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4j040m2
Price: $ 595
Dimensions: 3.25 in L by 4.5 in W by 4 in H

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Polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening and a painted rabbit, bird, jaguar, and geometric design; includes polished red stand
 by Manuel Rodriguez Guillen of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Manuel Rodriguez Guillen, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a slightly flared opening and a painted rabbit, bird, jaguar, and geometric design; includes polished red stand
Artist: Manuel Rodriguez Guillen

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: thcg3m051
Price: $ 595
Dimensions: 7.5 in L by 7.5 in W by 6.75 in H Measurement includes stand

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A small polychrome duck pot with a feathered crown and decorated with a deer-with-heart-line, bird element and geometric design
 by Anderson Peynetsa of Zuni Anderson Peynetsa, Zuni, A small polychrome duck pot with a feathered crown and decorated with a deer-with-heart-line, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Anderson Peynetsa

Pueblo: Zuni
Item Number: zzzu4l064m2
Price: $ 595
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 3.75 in W by 8.5 in H

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Becky is a polychrome horse with butterfly, bird and lizard head appliques, plus decorated with a geometric design
 by Judy Lewis of Acoma Judy Lewis, Acoma, Becky is a polychrome horse with butterfly, bird and lizard head appliques, plus decorated with a geometric design
Artist: Judy Lewis

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4h191m3
Price: $ 595
Dimensions: 3.75 in L by 5.25 in W by 3.5 in H

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Black jar with a carved and sgraffito butterfly, hummingbird, flower, leaf, feather ring, and geometric design
 by Gwen Tafoya of Santa Clara Gwen Tafoya, Santa Clara, Black jar with a carved and sgraffito butterfly, hummingbird, flower, leaf, feather ring, and geometric design
Artist: Gwen Tafoya

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: josc3k156
Price: $ 575
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 5.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a rolled lip and a slipped and sgraffito bird, vine and flower design
 by Diana Loya of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Diana Loya, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a rolled lip and a slipped and sgraffito bird, vine and flower design
Artist: Diana Loya

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcg1h547
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 7.5 in H by 6.5 in Dia

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Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted bird, branch and flower design
 by Karla Flores of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Karla Flores, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted bird, branch and flower design
Artist: Karla Flores

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcgd9330
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 7.5 in H by 6.25 in Dia Measurement includes stand

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Polychrome jar with a rolled lip and a slipped and sgraffito bird, vine and flower design
 by Diana Loya of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Diana Loya, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a rolled lip and a slipped and sgraffito bird, vine and flower design
Artist: Diana Loya

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcg1h542
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 7.25 in H by 6.5 in Dia

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Polychrome cow pitcher with dragonfly, bird element and geometric design
 by Unknown of Acoma Unknown, Acoma, Polychrome cow pitcher with dragonfly, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: lkac1g190
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 8 in H by 5.75 in W by 6.75 in L

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Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted bird, butterfly, branch and flower design
 by Karla Flores of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Karla Flores, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted bird, butterfly, branch and flower design
Artist: Karla Flores

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcgd9377
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 7.25 in H by 6.25 in Dia Measurement includes stand

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Polychrome jar with a rolled lip and a sgraffito and painted bird, flower, vine, leaf and geometric design
 by Diana Loya of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Diana Loya, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a rolled lip and a sgraffito and painted bird, flower, vine, leaf and geometric design
Artist: Diana Loya

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcg1h546
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 6.5 in L by 6.5 in W by 7.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted bird, butterfly, branch and flower design
 by Karla Flores of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Karla Flores, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted bird, butterfly, branch and flower design
Artist: Karla Flores

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcgd9322
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 7.25 in H by 6.25 in Dia Measurement includes stand

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Polychrome jar with a sgraffito and painted hummingbird, butterfly, flower and branch design
 by Blanca Arras of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Blanca Arras, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a sgraffito and painted hummingbird, butterfly, flower and branch design
Artist: Blanca Arras

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcgd9323
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 6.75 in L by 6.75 in W by 6.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a sgraffito and painted 3-panel bird, branch, leaf and geometric design
 by Jesus Olivas of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Jesus Olivas, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a sgraffito and painted 3-panel bird, branch, leaf and geometric design
Artist: Jesus Olivas

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcg1h650
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 6.5 in L by 6.5 in W by 6.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted bird, branch and geometric design
 by Jesus Olivas of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Jesus Olivas, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted bird, branch and geometric design
Artist: Jesus Olivas

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcgd9232
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 7.25 in H by 6.25 in Dia Measurement includes stand

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A black-on-white jar with a rolled lip and decorated with a sgraffito bird, branch and leaf design
 by Lorenza Quezada of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Lorenza Quezada, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A black-on-white jar with a rolled lip and decorated with a sgraffito bird, branch and leaf design
Artist: Lorenza Quezada

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg3e113m3
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 6.5 in L by 6.5 in W by 7.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flared rim and a lightly-carved, sgraffito and painted 2-panel bird, branch, leaf and geometric design
 by Jesus Olivas of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Jesus Olivas, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a flared rim and a lightly-carved, sgraffito and painted 2-panel bird, branch, leaf and geometric design
Artist: Jesus Olivas

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcg1h658
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 7.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a 3-panel sgraffito and painted bird, branch, leaf, flower and geometric design
 by Jesus Olivas of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Jesus Olivas, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a 3-panel sgraffito and painted bird, branch, leaf, flower and geometric design
Artist: Jesus Olivas

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcg1h666
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 6.75 in L by 6.75 in W by 5.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted bird and branch design
 by Linda Betancourt of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Linda Betancourt, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted bird and branch design
Artist: Linda Betancourt

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcgd9194
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 7.5 in H by 6 in Dia Measurement includes stand

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Polychrome jar with a sgraffito and painted bird and geometric design
 by Eduardo Perez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Eduardo Perez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a sgraffito and painted bird and geometric design
Artist: Eduardo Perez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: lscg3b172
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 9 in L by 9 in W by 10 in H, measurement includes stand

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Black and white jar with a sgraffito hummingbird, flower, branch, and leaf design
 by Lorenza Quezada of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Lorenza Quezada, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Black and white jar with a sgraffito hummingbird, flower, branch, and leaf design
Artist: Lorenza Quezada

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg3e113m1
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 6 in L by 6 in W by 7.25 in H, measurement includes stand

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Polychrome jar with a rolled lip and a sgraffito and painted 3-panel hummingbird, flower, branch, leaf and geometric design
 by Jesus Olivas of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Jesus Olivas, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a rolled lip and a sgraffito and painted 3-panel hummingbird, flower, branch, leaf and geometric design
Artist: Jesus Olivas

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcg1h662
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 6.5 in L by 6.5 in W by 7.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a sgraffito and painted hummingbird, butterfly, and flower design
 by Blanca Arras of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Blanca Arras, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a sgraffito and painted hummingbird, butterfly, and flower design
Artist: Blanca Arras

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcgd9335
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 6.75 in L by 6.75 in W by 6.75 in H Measurement includes stand

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Polychrome jar with a rolled lip and a sgraffito and painted 3-panel hummingbird, flower, vine, leaf and geometric design
 by Jesus Olivas of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Jesus Olivas, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a rolled lip and a sgraffito and painted 3-panel hummingbird, flower, vine, leaf and geometric design
Artist: Jesus Olivas

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcg1h660
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 6.5 in L by 6.5 in W by 7.5 in H

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Polychrome sgraffito and painted bird, butterfly, flower and branch design
 by Karla Flores of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Karla Flores, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome sgraffito and painted bird, butterfly, flower and branch design
Artist: Karla Flores

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcgd9324
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 7.25 in H by 6.25 in Dia Measurement includes stand

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A polychrome white ware jar decorated with a three-panel bird element and geometric design
 by White Swann of Hopi White Swann, Hopi, A polychrome white ware jar decorated with a three-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: White Swann

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: spho4f291
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 4 in H

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Polychrome jar with a bird, yucca plant, and flower design on exterior and a geometric design on interior
 by Ambrose Atencio of Santo Domingo Ambrose Atencio, Santo Domingo, Polychrome jar with a bird, yucca plant, and flower design on exterior and a geometric design on interior
Artist: Ambrose Atencio

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: plsd4b106
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 10.5 in L by 10.5 in W by 6.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flared lip and a painted lizard, bird and geometric design
 by Gerardo Cota of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Gerardo Cota, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a flared lip and a painted lizard, bird and geometric design
Artist: Gerardo Cota

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: smcg2d153
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 8.5 in H Measurement includes stand

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Large polychrome bowl with a bird, flower and geometric design
 by Robert Aguilar of Santo Domingo Robert Aguilar, Santo Domingo, Large polychrome bowl with a bird, flower and geometric design
Artist: Robert Aguilar

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: dwsd3f163
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 12.25 in L by 12.25 in W by 4.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with 4-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Loretta Navasie of Hopi Loretta Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with 4-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Loretta Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho0m073
Price: $ 525
Dimensions: 6.5 in H by 5.25 in Dia

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A polychrome seed pot decorated on one side with a painted bird, cornstalk and geometric design
 by Virginia Ponca Fragua of Jemez Virginia Ponca Fragua, Jemez, A polychrome seed pot decorated on one side with a painted bird, cornstalk and geometric design
Artist: Virginia Ponca Fragua

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: dkje4d290
Price: $ 495
Dimensions: 6 in L by 6 in W by 6.25 in H

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Red seed pot with a 3-medallion sgraffito flower, bird, butterfly, feather and geometric design
 by Vangie Tafoya of Jemez Vangie Tafoya, Jemez, Red seed pot with a 3-medallion sgraffito flower, bird, butterfly, feather and geometric design
Artist: Vangie Tafoya

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: jtje1j279
Price: $ 475
Dimensions: 4 in H by 4 in Dia

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A polychrome jar with a flared rim and decorated with a three-panel rosette, deer-in-his-house, rainbird and geometric design
 by Carlos Laate of Zuni Carlos Laate, Zuni, A polychrome jar with a flared rim and decorated with a three-panel rosette, deer-in-his-house, rainbird and geometric design
Artist: Carlos Laate

Pueblo: Zuni
Item Number: zzzu4h150
Price: $ 475
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 6.25 in H

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A polychrome seed pot with hummingbird wing applique and decorated with a hummingbird, flower, fine line and geometric design
 by Carolyn Concho of Acoma Carolyn Concho, Acoma, A polychrome seed pot with hummingbird wing applique and decorated with a hummingbird, flower, fine line and geometric design
Artist: Carolyn Concho

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4m207m3
Price: $ 475
Dimensions: 3.75 in L by 3.75 in W by 1.5 in H

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Polychrome white jar with a band of bird element, crosshatching and geometric design
 by Sylvia Naha of Hopi Sylvia Naha, Hopi, Polychrome white jar with a band of bird element, crosshatching and geometric design
Artist: Sylvia Naha

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho1l142
Price: $ 475
Dimensions: 3.25 in H by 3.75 in Dia

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A polychrome cylinder with fire clouds decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, A polychrome cylinder with fire clouds decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j124
Price: $ 475
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 7.75 in H

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A black on red jar decorated with a two-panel rain bird, cloud formation, fine line and geometric design
 by Carlos Laate of Zuni Carlos Laate, Zuni, A black on red jar decorated with a two-panel rain bird, cloud formation, fine line and geometric design
Artist: Carlos Laate

Pueblo: Zuni
Item Number: zzzu4l111m2
Price: $ 475
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 6.5 in H

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A buff-on-red jar with an avanyu and feather design around the shoulder
 by Earlene Youngbird Tafoya of Santa Clara Earlene Youngbird Tafoya, Santa Clara, A buff-on-red jar with an avanyu and feather design around the shoulder
Artist: Earlene Youngbird Tafoya

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: plsc4b120
Price: $ 475
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 5.5 in H

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A red seed pot decorated with a sgraffito hummingbird, flower and vine design
 by Alvina Yepa of Jemez Alvina Yepa, Jemez, A red seed pot decorated with a sgraffito hummingbird, flower and vine design
Artist: Alvina Yepa

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: zzje4g050m2
Price: $ 475
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 3.5 in H

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A polychrome jar with an everted rim and decorated with a three-panel Paquime bird, fish and geometric design
 by Ana Trillo of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Ana Trillo, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A polychrome jar with an everted rim and decorated with a three-panel Paquime bird, fish and geometric design
Artist: Ana Trillo

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: mgcg3f237
Price: $ 450
Dimensions: 7.5 in L by 7.5 in W by 7.25 in H

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A polychrome pitcher with two spouts and decorated with a four-panel bird and geometric design
 by Vidal Aguilar of Santo Domingo Vidal Aguilar, Santo Domingo, A polychrome pitcher with two spouts and decorated with a four-panel bird and geometric design
Artist: Vidal Aguilar

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: plsd1l170a
Price: $ 450
Dimensions: 7 in L by 10 in W by 8 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flared lip and a 3-panel bird, branch, leaf and geometric design
 by Hilario Quezada Jr of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Hilario Quezada Jr, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a flared lip and a 3-panel bird, branch, leaf and geometric design
Artist: Hilario Quezada Jr

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg1h762m1
Price: $ 450
Dimensions: 6.75 in L by 6.75 in W by 9 in H

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Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted bird, lizard and geometric design
 by Juan Carlos Rodriguez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Juan Carlos Rodriguez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted bird, lizard and geometric design
Artist: Juan Carlos Rodriguez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcgd9098
Price: $ 450
Dimensions: 6.5 in H by 5.75 in Dia Measurement includes stand

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Polychrome bird figure with a fish in its beak and a geometric design
 by Jerardo Tena of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Jerardo Tena, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome bird figure with a fish in its beak and a geometric design
Artist: Jerardo Tena & Norma Hernandez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg2c133m4
Price: $ 450
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 2.75 in W by 4 in H

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Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a two-panel bird and flower design
 by Patty Maho of Hopi Patty Maho, Hopi, Polychrome jar with fire clouds and a two-panel bird and flower design
Artist: Patty Maho

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: joho3k214
Price: $ 450
Dimensions: 6.5 in L by 6.5 in W by 6.75 in H

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Black on yellowware bowl with handles, bird design, and fire clouds
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Black on yellowware bowl with handles, bird design, and fire clouds
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g043
Price: $ 450
Dimensions: 7 in L by 9 in W by 4.25 in H

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Red jar with a sgraffito hummingbird, flower, feather ring, and geometric design
 by Vangie Tafoya of Jemez Vangie Tafoya, Jemez, Red jar with a sgraffito hummingbird, flower, feather ring, and geometric design
Artist: Vangie Tafoya

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: joje3k103
Price: $ 450
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.75 in W by 5.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted bird, deer and geometric design
 by Juan Carlos Rodriguez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Juan Carlos Rodriguez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted bird, deer and geometric design
Artist: Juan Carlos Rodriguez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: aqcgd9100
Price: $ 450
Dimensions: 6.25 in H by 5.75 in Dia Measurement includes stand

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Black-on-white jar with a sgraffito rabbit, lizard, hummingbird, turtle, dragonfly, mouse, bird, and geometric design
 by Alex Ortega of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Alex Ortega, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Black-on-white jar with a sgraffito rabbit, lizard, hummingbird, turtle, dragonfly, mouse, bird, and geometric design
Artist: Alex Ortega & Vivi Silveira

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg4c217m1
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 6.5 in H Measurement includes stand

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A bowl with a scalloped rim and decorated with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Mary Small of Jemez Mary Small, Jemez, A bowl with a scalloped rim and decorated with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Mary Small

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: cjje4j153
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 7.5 in L by 7.5 in W by 5.5 in H

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Red seed pot with a sgraffito hummingbird-and-flower medallion and a butterfly-and-flower medallion and more geometric design
 by Vangie Tafoya of Jemez Vangie Tafoya, Jemez, Red seed pot with a sgraffito hummingbird-and-flower medallion and a butterfly-and-flower medallion and more geometric design
Artist: Vangie Tafoya

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: jtje1j233
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 3.5 in H by 3.75 in Dia

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Polychrome jar with bird, geometric design, and fire clouds
 by Irma David of Hopi Irma David, Hopi, Polychrome jar with bird, geometric design, and fire clouds
Artist: Irma David

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: esho2g066
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.75 in W by 5.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with bird element and geometric design
 by Rosetta Huma of Hopi Rosetta Huma, Hopi, Polychrome jar with bird element and geometric design
Artist: Rosetta Huma

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: xxhog9420
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 5 in H by 8 in Dia

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A polychrome canteen with shoulder handles and decorated with a bird element and geometric design
 by Unknown of Acoma Unknown, Acoma, A polychrome canteen with shoulder handles and decorated with a bird element and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: rbac4j151
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 5.5 in W by 4.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with distinctive round and square shape and flared lip with Mimbres animal, bird, lizard, frog, and geometric design
 by Luis Martinez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Luis Martinez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with distinctive round and square shape and flared lip with Mimbres animal, bird, lizard, frog, and geometric design
Artist: Luis Martinez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: plcg2f177
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 7.25 in H

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Polychrome lidded jar with a sgraffito and painted hummingbird and flower design and a matching lid with a hummingbird applique detail
 by Luz Elva Gutierrez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Luz Elva Gutierrez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome lidded jar with a sgraffito and painted hummingbird and flower design and a matching lid with a hummingbird applique detail
Artist: Luz Elva Gutierrez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg4c217m5
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.75 in W by 8.5 in H Measurement includes stand

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Polychrome jar with scorpion, lizard, turtle, hummingbird, serpent, roadrunner and geometric design
 by Humberto Pina of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Humberto Pina, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with scorpion, lizard, turtle, hummingbird, serpent, roadrunner and geometric design
Artist: Humberto Pina

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg1h770
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 5.25 in W by 8.5 in H

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A polychrome bowl with a three-panel bird and cactus design around the outside
 by Arthur Coriz of Santo Domingo Arthur Coriz, Santo Domingo, A polychrome bowl with a three-panel bird and cactus design around the outside
Artist: Arthur Coriz & Hilda Coriz

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: zzsd3g481
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 8.5 in L by 8.5 in W by 4.5 in H

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Polychrome storyteller with seven children, a bowl, a jar, and a bird
 by Bonnie Fragua of Jemez Bonnie Fragua, Jemez, Polychrome storyteller with seven children, a bowl, a jar, and a bird
Artist: Bonnie Fragua

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: zzje3d143
Price: $ 395
Dimensions: 5 in L by 3.5 in W by 7.25 in H

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A polychrome canteen decorated with a bird element and geometric design
 by Dolores Lewis of Acoma Dolores Lewis, Acoma, A polychrome canteen decorated with a bird element and geometric design
Artist: Dolores Lewis

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4m408
Price: $ 395
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 5 in W by 6 in H Measurement includes stand

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A polychrome jar decorated with a sgraffito-and-painted bird, flower and vine design
 by Elicena Cota of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Elicena Cota, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A polychrome jar decorated with a sgraffito-and-painted bird, flower and vine design
Artist: Elicena Cota

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg4f036m1
Price: $ 395
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 7 in H Measurement includes stand

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A polychrome turtle figure with a lightly carved-and-painted insect, bird, fish, sea turtle, dragonfly, deer, frog, lizard and geometric design on shell
 by Margaret Gutierrez of Santa Clara Margaret Gutierrez, Santa Clara, A polychrome turtle figure with a lightly carved-and-painted insect, bird, fish, sea turtle, dragonfly, deer, frog, lizard and geometric design on shell
Artist: Margaret Gutierrez

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: cjsc3f127
Price: $ 395
Dimensions: 6.5 in L by 4.25 in W by 3 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a three-panel deer-in-his-house, rosette, Zuni rainbird and geometric design
 by Carlos Laate of Zuni Carlos Laate, Zuni, A polychrome jar decorated with a three-panel deer-in-his-house, rosette, Zuni rainbird and geometric design
Artist: Carlos Laate

Pueblo: Zuni
Item Number: zzzu5a249
Price: $ 395
Dimensions: 6.75 in L by 6.75 in W by 6.5 in H

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A black-on-white jar decorated with a sgraffito animal, bird, turtle, insect and geometric design
 by Alex Ortega of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Alex Ortega, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A black-on-white jar decorated with a sgraffito animal, bird, turtle, insect and geometric design
Artist: Alex Ortega & Vivi Silveira

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg4j304m1
Price: $ 395
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 6.25 in H

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A sitting grandmother storyteller figure with two children, a pot, cat, bird and butterfly 
 by Judy Lewis of Acoma Judy Lewis, Acoma, A sitting grandmother storyteller figure with two children, a pot, cat, bird and butterfly
Artist: Judy Lewis

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4m162m3
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 3.75 in L by 2.75 in W by 4 in H

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A sitting grandmother storyteller figure with two children, a pot, cat, butterfly, bird and lady bug
 by Judy Lewis of Acoma Judy Lewis, Acoma, A sitting grandmother storyteller figure with two children, a pot, cat, butterfly, bird and lady bug
Artist: Judy Lewis

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4m162m1
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 3.75 in L by 2.25 in W by 3.75 in H

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A small polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel deer-in-his-house, rainbird and geometric design,.
 by Jennie Laate of Zuni Jennie Laate, Zuni, A small polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel deer-in-his-house, rainbird and geometric design,.
Artist: Jennie Laate

Pueblo: Zuni
Item Number: dkzu4d262
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 3.5 in L by 3.5 in W by 3.25 in H

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A gourd-shaped pot decorated a bird element and geometric design, plus a couple lady bug appliques
 by Gabriel Tahbo of Hopi Gabriel Tahbo, Hopi, A gourd-shaped pot decorated a bird element and geometric design, plus a couple lady bug appliques
Artist: Gabriel Tahbo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho4j141
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 4.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flared opening and a three-panel sgraffito and painted bird, branch, leaf, and geometric design
 by Hilario Quezada Jr of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Hilario Quezada Jr, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a flared opening and a three-panel sgraffito and painted bird, branch, leaf, and geometric design
Artist: Hilario Quezada Jr

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg3e086m3
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 7.75 in H, measurement includes stand

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A sitting grandmother storyteller figure with two children, a pot, cat, lady bug, bird and butterfly
 by Judy Lewis of Acoma Judy Lewis, Acoma, A sitting grandmother storyteller figure with two children, a pot, cat, lady bug, bird and butterfly
Artist: Judy Lewis

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4m162m5
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 4 in L by 2.25 in W by 3.75 in H

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A red bowl decorated with a sgraffito butterfly, hummingbird, rabbit, quail and geometric design
 by Candelaria Suazo of Santa Clara Candelaria Suazo, Santa Clara, A red bowl decorated with a sgraffito butterfly, hummingbird, rabbit, quail and geometric design
Artist: Candelaria Suazo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc4l080m3
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.75 in W by 3.25 in H

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A red bowl decorated with a sgraffito avanyu, hummingbird, butterfly and geometric design
 by Candelaria Suazo of Santa Clara Candelaria Suazo, Santa Clara, A red bowl decorated with a sgraffito avanyu, hummingbird, butterfly and geometric design
Artist: Candelaria Suazo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc4l080m2
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 4.75 in l by 4.75 in W by 3.25 in H

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Black-on-black jar with a square, notched rolled lip and a 4-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Oscar Quezada of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Oscar Quezada, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Black-on-black jar with a square, notched rolled lip and a 4-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Oscar Quezada

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg1d356m2
Price: $ 350
Dimensions: 7.75 in H by 7 in Dia

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Black and brown plate with people, kokopelli, bear paw, snake, handprint, bird, butterfly, geometric design and fire clouds
 by Billy Tawyesva of Hopi Billy Tawyesva, Hopi, Black and brown plate with people, kokopelli, bear paw, snake, handprint, bird, butterfly, geometric design and fire clouds
Artist: Billy Tawyesva

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho2f188
Price: $ 350
Dimensions: 9 in L by 9 in W by 0.25 in H

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A small polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel rosette and deer-with-heart-line-in-his-house, rain bird and geometric design
 by Jennie Laate of Zuni Jennie Laate, Zuni, A small polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel rosette and deer-with-heart-line-in-his-house, rain bird and geometric design
Artist: Jennie Laate

Pueblo: Zuni
Item Number: khzu4k429
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 3.5 in L by 3.5 in W by 3 in H

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Red seed pot with a sgraffito bird, pine branch and geometric design
 by Brenda Tafoya of Jemez Brenda Tafoya, Jemez, Red seed pot with a sgraffito bird, pine branch and geometric design
Artist: Brenda Tafoya

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: jtje1j298
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 3.75 in H by 3.25 in Dia

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Polychrome turtle figure with a painted design on the shell featuring bird, lizard, insect, fish, crab, ant, and dancer elements
 by Margaret Gutierrez of Santa Clara Margaret Gutierrez, Santa Clara, Polychrome turtle figure with a painted design on the shell featuring bird, lizard, insect, fish, crab, ant, and dancer elements
Artist: Margaret Gutierrez & Luther Gutierrez

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: cwsc3l218
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 3.75 in L by 3.25 in W by 3 in H

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A small polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Nyla Sahmie of Hopi Nyla Sahmie, Hopi, A small polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Nyla Sahmie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4l212m1
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 2.5 in L by 2.5 in W by 2.25 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a three-panel rain bird, cloud, fine line and geometric design
 by Carlos Laate of Zuni Carlos Laate, Zuni, A polychrome jar decorated with a three-panel rain bird, cloud, fine line and geometric design
Artist: Carlos Laate

Pueblo: Zuni
Item Number: zzzu4l112m1
Price: $ 325
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.75 in W by 4.75 in H

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A black-on-tan jar decorated with a geometric design
 by Elena Rodriguez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Elena Rodriguez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A black-on-tan jar decorated with a geometric design
Artist: Elena Rodriguez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg3f214m2
Price: $ 295
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 5.5 in H

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A set of three seed pots decorated with sgraffito and painted butterfly, hummingbird and geometric designs
 by Luz Elva Gutierrez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Luz Elva Gutierrez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A set of three seed pots decorated with sgraffito and painted butterfly, hummingbird and geometric designs
Artist: Luz Elva Gutierrez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: 202411g07
Price: $ 275
Dimensions: 4 in L by 3.5 in W by 3.75 in H Measurement of largest piece

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Polychrome bowl with a traditional Kewa design featuring bird and flower elements
 by Helen Bird of Santo Domingo Helen Bird, Santo Domingo, Polychrome bowl with a traditional Kewa design featuring bird and flower elements
Artist: Helen Bird

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: zzsd3h401
Price: $ 275
Dimensions: 8.75 in L by 8.75 in W by 4 in H

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A polychrome cylinder decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, A polychrome cylinder decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j123
Price: $ 275
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 6 in H

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Black-on-red bowl polished inside and decorated outside with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Jofern Silas Puffer of Hopi Jofern Silas Puffer, Hopi, Black-on-red bowl polished inside and decorated outside with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Jofern Silas Puffer

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: jtho1j325
Price: $ 275
Dimensions: 3.25 in H by 7.25 in Dia

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A polychrome standing hummingbird figure wearing a manta
 by Loren Wallowing Bull of Jemez Loren Wallowing Bull, Jemez, A polychrome standing hummingbird figure wearing a manta
Artist: Loren Wallowing Bull

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: zzje4h191m1
Price: $ 275
Dimensions: 2.5 in L by 3 in W by 4.75 in H

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Polychrome storyteller with two children, a kitten, a bird, and a ladybug
 by Aggie Henderson of Acoma Aggie Henderson, Acoma, Polychrome storyteller with two children, a kitten, a bird, and a ladybug
Artist: Aggie Henderson

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: llac3k491
Price: $ 275
Dimensions: 3.25 in L by 3.25 in W by 3.25 in H

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Three children sitting together with a couple birds and a turtle
 by Aggie Henderson of Acoma Aggie Henderson, Acoma, Three children sitting together with a couple birds and a turtle
Artist: Aggie Henderson

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: lkac2c145
Price: $ 275
Dimensions: 3.25 in H by 2.75 in W by 2.75 in L

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A polychrome seed pot decorated with a carved, sgraffito and slipped hummingbird, flower, plant and geometric design
 by Vangie Tafoya of Jemez Vangie Tafoya, Jemez, A polychrome seed pot decorated with a carved, sgraffito and slipped hummingbird, flower, plant and geometric design
Artist: Vangie Tafoya

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: cjje4j121
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 3.5 in L by 3.5 in W by 3.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted bird, butterfly, branch, flower, berry, and geometric design
 by Melissa Tena of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Melissa Tena, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with sgraffito and painted bird, butterfly, branch, flower, berry, and geometric design
Artist: Melissa Tena & Nolberto Quintana

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg2j302m1
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 6.25 in H measurement includes stand

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Black turtle figure with a sienna spot and a sgraffito hummingbird and feather ring geometric design
 by Unknown of Santa Clara Unknown, Santa Clara, Black turtle figure with a sienna spot and a sgraffito hummingbird and feather ring geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: cjsc4b171
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 3.75 in W by 3 in H

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Miniature polychrome lidded jar with a triangular body and lid, a Hopi-inspired bird, thunderbird, dancer,  dragonfly, and fine line geometric design, and a lid with triangular geometric cut-outs
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, Miniature polychrome lidded jar with a triangular body and lid, a Hopi-inspired bird, thunderbird, dancer, dragonfly, and fine line geometric design, and a lid with triangular geometric cut-outs
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla4c180m2
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 0.5 in L by 0.5 in W by 1 in H

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A polychrome seed pot decorated with a painted hummingbird applique, flower, fine line and geometric design
 by Carolyn Concho of Acoma Carolyn Concho, Acoma, A polychrome seed pot decorated with a painted hummingbird applique, flower, fine line and geometric design
Artist: Carolyn Concho

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4m014m2
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 2.75 in L by 2.75 in W by 1.25 in H

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A shallow golden micaceous bowl with a notched rim and decorated with fire clouds and painting of a bird, flowers and a cross inside
 by Jeralyn Lujan Lucero of Taos Jeralyn Lujan Lucero, Taos, A shallow golden micaceous bowl with a notched rim and decorated with fire clouds and painting of a bird, flowers and a cross inside
Artist: Jeralyn Lujan Lucero

Pueblo: Taos
Item Number: shta4f651
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 8 in L by 8 in W by 1.5 in H

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Polychrome storyteller with six children, a butterfly, and a bird
 by Marie R Toya of Jemez Marie R Toya, Jemez, Polychrome storyteller with six children, a butterfly, and a bird
Artist: Marie R Toya

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: lcje3d124
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.25 in W by 8 in H

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Red-on-white jar with a bold sgraffito deer, ram, bird, sun, and geometric design
 by Abraham Rodriguez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Abraham Rodriguez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Red-on-white jar with a bold sgraffito deer, ram, bird, sun, and geometric design
Artist: Abraham Rodriguez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg4c220m1
Price: $ 250
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 5 in H Measurement includes stand

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A polychrome jar decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j147
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 3.5 in H

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Miniature black seed pot with a sienna spot and a sgraffito hummingbird and flower design
 by Pat and Margie Naranjo of Santa Clara Pat and Margie Naranjo, Santa Clara, Miniature black seed pot with a sienna spot and a sgraffito hummingbird and flower design
Artist: Pat and Margie Naranjo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc3b504
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 2 in L by 2 in W by 2.75 in H

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A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel hachure, bird element and geometric design
 by Cynthia Sequi of Hopi Cynthia Sequi, Hopi, A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel hachure, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Cynthia Sequi

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho4e224
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 2.5 in L by 2.5 in W by 2.5 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a sgraffito-and-painted bird, branch, leaf and berry design
 by Guadalupe Melendez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Guadalupe Melendez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A polychrome jar decorated with a sgraffito-and-painted bird, branch, leaf and berry design
Artist: Guadalupe Melendez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg4h273m33
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 3.25 in L by 3.25 in W by 4.25 in H

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A black-on-yellow round tile decorated with a thunderbird tail and geometric design
 by Darlene Nampeyo of Hopi Darlene Nampeyo, Hopi, A black-on-yellow round tile decorated with a thunderbird tail and geometric design
Artist: Darlene Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4h709m1
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 0.25 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a two-panel sgraffito-and-painted bird, branch, leaf and berry design
 by Guadalupe Melendez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Guadalupe Melendez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A polychrome jar decorated with a two-panel sgraffito-and-painted bird, branch, leaf and berry design
Artist: Guadalupe Melendez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg4h273m17
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 3.5 in L by 3.5 in W by 4.25 in H

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A small polychrome jar decorated with a two-panel bird, flower and geometric design
 by Robert Tenorio of Santo Domingo Robert Tenorio, Santo Domingo, A small polychrome jar decorated with a two-panel bird, flower and geometric design
Artist: Robert Tenorio

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: zzsd4h703
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: e in L by 3 in W by 3 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a sgraffito-and-painted bird, berry, leaf and branch design
 by Guadalupe Melendez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Guadalupe Melendez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A polychrome jar decorated with a sgraffito-and-painted bird, berry, leaf and branch design
Artist: Guadalupe Melendez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg4h273m11
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 3.25 in L by 3.25 in W by 4.5 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a sgraffito-and-painted bird, branch, leaf and flower design
 by Valeria Lopez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Valeria Lopez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A polychrome jar decorated with a sgraffito-and-painted bird, branch, leaf and flower design
Artist: Valeria Lopez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg4h273m14
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 3.5 in L by 3.5 in W by 3.75 in H

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A polychrome round tile decorated with a bird element and geometric design
 by Darlene Nampeyo of Hopi Darlene Nampeyo, Hopi, A polychrome round tile decorated with a bird element and geometric design
Artist: Darlene Nampeyo

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4h709m3
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 4.75 in L by 4.5 in W by 0.25 in H

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A golden micaceous bird bowl with a notched rim, carved tail and fire clouds
 by Teri Lujan Lucero of Taos Teri Lujan Lucero, Taos, A golden micaceous bird bowl with a notched rim, carved tail and fire clouds
Artist: Teri Lujan Lucero

Pueblo: Taos
Item Number: shta4f648
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 7.75 in L by 7 in W by 3.5 in H

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Black-on-black jar with a flat shape and a painted bird and geometric design
 by Octavio Andrew of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Octavio Andrew, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Black-on-black jar with a flat shape and a painted bird and geometric design
Artist: Octavio Andrew

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg3e127m4
Price: $ 215
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 3.75 in H, measurement includes stand

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Polychrome miniature jar with a flared lip and bird design
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, Polychrome miniature jar with a flared lip and bird design
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla2e352m13a
Price: $ 200
Dimensions: 0.5 in L by 0.5 in W by 0.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with flared lip and sgraffito and painted hummingbird, flower, leaf, and geometric design
 by Octavio Silveira of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Octavio Silveira, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with flared lip and sgraffito and painted hummingbird, flower, leaf, and geometric design
Artist: Octavio Silveira

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg2f333m1
Price: $ 195
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 5.25 in H measurement includes stand

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Polychrome jar with a rolled lip and a sgraffito and painted 3-panel bird, branch, leaf and geometric design
 by Hilario Quezada Jr of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Hilario Quezada Jr, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a rolled lip and a sgraffito and painted 3-panel bird, branch, leaf and geometric design
Artist: Hilario Quezada Jr

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg1h761m6
Price: $ 195
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 5.25 in W by 6 in H

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Black and white jar with a sgraffito optical illusion deer, bighorn sheep, bird, sun, and geometric design
 by Abraham Rodriguez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Abraham Rodriguez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Black and white jar with a sgraffito optical illusion deer, bighorn sheep, bird, sun, and geometric design
Artist: Abraham Rodriguez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg3e062
Price: $ 195
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 6.25 in H, measurement includes stand

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A polychrome turtle figure decorated with bird and butterfly wing appliques and a painted bird, butterfly and geometric design
 by Judy Lewis of Acoma Judy Lewis, Acoma, A polychrome turtle figure decorated with bird and butterfly wing appliques and a painted bird, butterfly and geometric design
Artist: Judy Lewis

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4m218
Price: $ 195
Dimensions: 3.75 in L by 3.25 in W by 2 in H

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Small black jar with a sienna rim, a sgraffito and lightly carved hummingbird and flower design, and inlaid stone details
 by Eric Tafoya of Santa Clara Eric Tafoya, Santa Clara, Small black jar with a sienna rim, a sgraffito and lightly carved hummingbird and flower design, and inlaid stone details
Artist: Eric Tafoya

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: josc3k169
Price: $ 195
Dimensions: 3 in L by 3 in W by 3.25 in H

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A set of three small polychrome seed pots decorated with sgraffito and painted butterfly, lizard, hummingbird and geometric designs
 by Oscar Ramirez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Oscar Ramirez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A set of three small polychrome seed pots decorated with sgraffito and painted butterfly, lizard, hummingbird and geometric designs
Artist: Oscar Ramirez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: 202411g05
Price: $ 195
Dimensions: 2.5 in L by 2.5 in W by 1.75 in H Measurement of largest piece

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Polychrome jar with a sgraffito and slipped hummingbird, vine, flower and geometric design
 by Octavio Silveira of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Octavio Silveira, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a sgraffito and slipped hummingbird, vine, flower and geometric design
Artist: Octavio Silveira

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg1k203
Price: $ 195
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 6.5 in H Measurement includes stand

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Polychrome jar with a flared lip and a sgraffito and painted hummingbird, flower, branch, leaf and mesh design
 by Unknown of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Unknown, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a flared lip and a sgraffito and painted hummingbird, flower, branch, leaf and mesh design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg2d201m2
Price: $ 195
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 5.25 in W by 7 in H

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Polychrome jar with a rolled lip and a 3-panel sgraffito and painted bird, branch, medallion and geometric design
 by Hilario Quezada Jr of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Hilario Quezada Jr, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a rolled lip and a 3-panel sgraffito and painted bird, branch, medallion and geometric design
Artist: Hilario Quezada Jr

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg1h761m7
Price: $ 195
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 5.25 in W by 6 in H

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A red-on-black owl figure decorated with a bird element and geometric design
 by Carlos Laate of Zuni Carlos Laate, Zuni, A red-on-black owl figure decorated with a bird element and geometric design
Artist: Carlos Laate

Pueblo: Zuni
Item Number: zzzu4g290m4
Price: $ 195
Dimensions: 3.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 4.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with a rolled lip and a sgraffito and painted 3-panel hummingbird, branch, leaf and geometric design
 by Hilario Quezada Jr of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Hilario Quezada Jr, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a rolled lip and a sgraffito and painted 3-panel hummingbird, branch, leaf and geometric design
Artist: Hilario Quezada Jr

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg1h761m9
Price: $ 195
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 5.25 in W by 6.25 in H

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Black-and-white jar with a sgraffito animal, insect, bird, reptile and geometric design
 by Alex Ortega of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Alex Ortega, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Black-and-white jar with a sgraffito animal, insect, bird, reptile and geometric design
Artist: Alex Ortega & Vivi Silveira

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg2c129m6
Price: $ 185
Dimensions: 3.5 in L by 3.5 in W by 4.25 in H

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A black-on-white jar decorated with a sgraffito animal, bird, turtle, insect and geometric design
 by Alex Ortega of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Alex Ortega, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A black-on-white jar decorated with a sgraffito animal, bird, turtle, insect and geometric design
Artist: Alex Ortega & Vivi Silveira

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg4j305m1
Price: $ 185
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 4 in H

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Polychrome jar with a sgraffito and painted hummingbird, butterfly, and flower design
 by Blanca Arras of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Blanca Arras, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a sgraffito and painted hummingbird, butterfly, and flower design
Artist: Blanca Arras

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg3k092m8
Price: $ 185
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 5 in H Measurement includes stand

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A small black bowl with sienna spots and a sgraffito hummingbird, butterfly and geometric design around the body
 by Candelaria Suazo of Santa Clara Candelaria Suazo, Santa Clara, A small black bowl with sienna spots and a sgraffito hummingbird, butterfly and geometric design around the body
Artist: Candelaria Suazo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc4m110m5
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 2.5 in L by 2.5 in W by 1.75 in H

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A small black bowl with sienna spots and a sgraffito hummingbird, quail, butterfly and geometric design around the body
 by Candelaria Suazo of Santa Clara Candelaria Suazo, Santa Clara, A small black bowl with sienna spots and a sgraffito hummingbird, quail, butterfly and geometric design around the body
Artist: Candelaria Suazo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc4m110m3
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 2.5 in L by 2.5 in W by 1.75 in H

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A small black bowl with a sienna spot and a sgraffito hummingbird, avanyu and geometric design around the body
 by Candelaria Suazo of Santa Clara Candelaria Suazo, Santa Clara, A small black bowl with a sienna spot and a sgraffito hummingbird, avanyu and geometric design around the body
Artist: Candelaria Suazo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc4m110m6
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 2.75 in L by 2.75 in W by 1.75 in H

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Black and white bowl with a four-panel Mimbres kokopelli design
 by Unknown of Acoma Unknown, Acoma, Black and white bowl with a four-panel Mimbres kokopelli design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac2m553a
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 3.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Donna Robertson of Hopi Donna Robertson, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a 4-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Donna Robertson

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ahho2e233
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 5 in H

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Small polychrome jar with fire clouds and a bird and dragonfly design
 by Alice Dashee of Hopi Alice Dashee, Hopi, Small polychrome jar with fire clouds and a bird and dragonfly design
Artist: Alice Dashee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3k616
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 3.25 in L by 3.25 in W by 2.75 in H

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Black jar with carved bird design
 by Irene Tse Pe of San Ildefonso Irene Tse Pe, San Ildefonso, Black jar with carved bird design
Artist: Irene Tse Pe

Pueblo: San Ildefonso
Item Number: aasi2f171
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 2.75 in L by 2.75 in W by 1.75 in H

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Small polychrome pitcher with a twisted handle, spout and a bird element and geometric design
 by Elizabeth Waconda of Acoma Elizabeth Waconda, Acoma, Small polychrome pitcher with a twisted handle, spout and a bird element and geometric design
Artist: Elizabeth Waconda

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: jbac2d150
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 4.25 in H by 2.75 in W by 3.25 in L

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Stylized bird figure
 by Joy Cain of Santa Clara Joy Cain, Santa Clara, Stylized bird figure
Artist: Joy Cain

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: blscl2261
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 1.5 in H by 3.75 in Dia

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A polychrome bowl decorated around and above the shoulder with a three-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, A polychrome bowl decorated around and above the shoulder with a three-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j146
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 2.25 in H

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Black-on-black jar with a band of geometric design around the shoulder
 by Unknown of Santa Clara Unknown, Santa Clara, Black-on-black jar with a band of geometric design around the shoulder
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: ahsc2e117
Price: $ 175
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 5.75 in W by 4.5 in H

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Polychrome plate with fire clouds and a bird design
 by Laura Preston of Hopi Laura Preston, Hopi, Polychrome plate with fire clouds and a bird design
Artist: Laura Preston

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: joho3k120
Price: $ 150
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 1 in H

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Black-on-red bowl with a 2-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Eleanor Ami of Hopi Eleanor Ami, Hopi, Black-on-red bowl with a 2-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Eleanor Ami

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: ahho2e102
Price: $ 150
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 4 in H

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Small polychrome canteen with fire clouds, a painted bird and geometric design, and a metallic string strap detail
 by Alice Dashee of Hopi Alice Dashee, Hopi, Small polychrome canteen with fire clouds, a painted bird and geometric design, and a metallic string strap detail
Artist: Alice Dashee

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3k617
Price: $ 150
Dimensions: 2.75 in L by 3.5 in W by 2 in H

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Black-on-yellowware bowl with a bird element and geometric design inside
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, Black-on-yellowware bowl with a bird element and geometric design inside
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho1m617
Price: $ 125
Dimensions: 1.25 in H by 4.5 in Dia

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Small polychrome rattle with a cloud, bird element and geometric design
 by Unknown of Jemez Unknown, Jemez, Small polychrome rattle with a cloud, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: zzje1m613
Price: $ 125
Dimensions: 1.25 in H by 1.5 in W by 4.25 in L

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A miniature polychrome jar with a hummingbird lid, bird tail applique and flower and plant painted design
 by Thomas Natseway of Laguna Thomas Natseway, Laguna, A miniature polychrome jar with a hummingbird lid, bird tail applique and flower and plant painted design
Artist: Thomas Natseway

Pueblo: Laguna
Item Number: zzla4m030m5
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 0.5 in L by 0.5 in W by 1.25 in H Stand shown for scale only

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A polychrome cylinder with a ticked rim and a two-panel bird-hanging-from-sky-band and geometric design
 by Unknown of Hopi Unknown, Hopi, A polychrome cylinder with a ticked rim and a two-panel bird-hanging-from-sky-band and geometric design
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j121
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 3.5 in L by 3.5 in W by 6.25 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a three-panel sgraffito hummingbird, vine, flower and geometric design
 by Lupita Quezada of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Lupita Quezada, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A polychrome jar decorated with a three-panel sgraffito hummingbird, vine, flower and geometric design
Artist: Lupita Quezada

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg4k184m12
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 5 in H

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A polychrome jar with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Karen Charley of Hopi Karen Charley, Hopi, A polychrome jar with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Karen Charley

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: mgho3f234
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 4 in L by 4 in W by 3.25 in H

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A polychrome plate with hummingbird wing and lady bug appliques and decorated with a hummingbird, flower, fine line and geometric design
 by Carolyn Concho of Acoma Carolyn Concho, Acoma, A polychrome plate with hummingbird wing and lady bug appliques and decorated with a hummingbird, flower, fine line and geometric design
Artist: Carolyn Concho

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4m208m2
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 3.75 in L by 3.75 in W by 0.5 in H

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A polychrome bowl decorated inside with a bird-hanging-from-sky-band and geometric design
 by Nampeyo of Hano of Hopi Nampeyo of Hano, Hopi, A polychrome bowl decorated inside with a bird-hanging-from-sky-band and geometric design
Artist: Nampeyo of Hano

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: zzho4h115
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 8.5 in L by 8.5 in W by 2.75 in H

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A polychrome bowl decorated above the shoulder with a four-panel bird-hanging-from-sky-band and geometric design
 by Dawn Navasie of Hopi Dawn Navasie, Hopi, A polychrome bowl decorated above the shoulder with a four-panel bird-hanging-from-sky-band and geometric design
Artist: Dawn Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j141
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 6 in L by 6 in W by 3.5 in H

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A black on white seed pot decorated with a Zuni rainbird and geometric design
 by Anderson Jamie Peynetsa of Zuni Anderson Jamie Peynetsa, Zuni, A black on white seed pot decorated with a Zuni rainbird and geometric design
Artist: Anderson Jamie Peynetsa

Pueblo: Zuni
Item Number: zzzu5a241
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 3.5 in L by 3.5 in W by 2.5 in H

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A polychrome cylinder decorated with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman of Hopi Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman, Hopi, A polychrome cylinder decorated with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Joy Navasie aka 2nd Frogwoman

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: shho4f521
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 8 in L by 8 in W by 10.5 in H

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A small polychrome duck pot with a feathered crown and decorated with a deer-with-heart-line, bird element and geometric design
 by Anderson Peynetsa of Zuni Anderson Peynetsa, Zuni, A small polychrome duck pot with a feathered crown and decorated with a deer-with-heart-line, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Anderson Peynetsa

Pueblo: Zuni
Item Number: zzzu4l064m1
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 5 in L by 4.25 in W by 8.5 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a sgraffito-and-painted bird, branch, flower and leaf design
 by Blanca Arras of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Blanca Arras, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A polychrome jar decorated with a sgraffito-and-painted bird, branch, flower and leaf design
Artist: Blanca Arras

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg4k185m8
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 4.5 in L by 4.5 in W by 4.5 in H

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A small polychrome duck pot decorated with a dragonfly, bird element and geometric design
 by Anderson Jamie Peynetsa of Zuni Anderson Jamie Peynetsa, Zuni, A small polychrome duck pot decorated with a dragonfly, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Anderson Jamie Peynetsa

Pueblo: Zuni
Item Number: zzzu4l061
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 4 in W by 7.5 in H

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A black on red jar with a raised rim and a bird element and geometric design, Honorable Mention ribbon from Museum of Northern Arizona
 by Maryan Denet of Hopi Maryan Denet, Hopi, A black on red jar with a raised rim and a bird element and geometric design, Honorable Mention ribbon from Museum of Northern Arizona
Artist: Maryan Denet

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: shho4f634
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 5.5 in H

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A low-shoulder jar decorated around and above the shoulder with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Nampeyo of Hano of Hopi Nampeyo of Hano, Hopi, A low-shoulder jar decorated around and above the shoulder with a four-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Nampeyo of Hano

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: rbho4j133
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 5.5 in L by 5.5 in W by 2.5 in H

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A polychrome turtle figure decorated with a parrot, hummingbird and geometric design
 by Judy Lewis of Acoma Judy Lewis, Acoma, A polychrome turtle figure decorated with a parrot, hummingbird and geometric design
Artist: Judy Lewis

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4m161
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 3.75 in L by 3.5 in W by 2.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a sgraffito desert scene design featuring buffalo, cow, deer, ram, bird, yucca flower, cactus, and agave elements
 by Belem Bugarini of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Belem Bugarini, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome jar with a sgraffito desert scene design featuring buffalo, cow, deer, ram, bird, yucca flower, cactus, and agave elements
Artist: Belem Bugarini

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg3k092m3
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 4.75 in H Measurement includes stand

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A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel turtle, bird element and geometric design
 by Eunice Navasie of Hopi Eunice Navasie, Hopi, A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel turtle, bird element and geometric design
Artist: Eunice Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: brho4h316
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 8.75 in L by 8.75 in W by 10 in H

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A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel sgraffito-and-painted bird, leaf, flower and branch design
 by Guadalupe Melendez of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Guadalupe Melendez, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A polychrome jar decorated with a four-panel sgraffito-and-painted bird, leaf, flower and branch design
Artist: Guadalupe Melendez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg4h273m9
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 3.5 in L by 3.5 in W by 4.25 in H

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A black-on-red jar decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
 by Ethel Youvella of Hopi Ethel Youvella, Hopi, A black-on-red jar decorated with a two-panel bird element and geometric design
Artist: Ethel Youvella

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cjho4e223
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 5.25 in L by 5.25 in W by 5.5 in H

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A polychrome bowl decorated with strings of birds hanging from the sky
 by Robert Tenorio of Santo Domingo Robert Tenorio, Santo Domingo, A polychrome bowl decorated with strings of birds hanging from the sky
Artist: Robert Tenorio

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: mmsd5a294
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 5 in L by 5 in W by 4.5 in H

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A black turtle figure with a sienna shell decorated with a sgraffito hummingbird, cactus flower and geometric design, plus several inlaid stones
 by Melony Gutierrez of Santa Clara Melony Gutierrez, Santa Clara, A black turtle figure with a sienna shell decorated with a sgraffito hummingbird, cactus flower and geometric design, plus several inlaid stones
Artist: Melony Gutierrez

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc4m190
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 7 in L by 4.75 in W by 3.75 in H

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A polychrome bowl decorated inside with a Zia sun sign and outside with a four-panel bird, flower and geometric design
 by Robert Tenorio of Santo Domingo Robert Tenorio, Santo Domingo, A polychrome bowl decorated inside with a Zia sun sign and outside with a four-panel bird, flower and geometric design
Artist: Robert Tenorio

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: zzsd4h414
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 9.75 in L by 9.75 in W by 6.75 in H

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Polychrome canteen with bird and geometric design, fire clouds, and leather strap
 by Jean Sahmie of Hopi Jean Sahmie, Hopi, Polychrome canteen with bird and geometric design, fire clouds, and leather strap
Artist: Jean Sahmie & Elizabeth Tootsie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: cmho2l092
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 5.75 in L by 6.25 in W by 7 in H

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A miniature polychrome seed pot decorated with a bird element, pueblo silhouette and geometric design
 by Robert Tenorio of Santo Domingo Robert Tenorio, Santo Domingo, A miniature polychrome seed pot decorated with a bird element, pueblo silhouette and geometric design
Artist: Robert Tenorio

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: zzsd5a208
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 2 in L by 2 in W by 1.75 in H

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A small black jar decorated with a sgraffito eagle, thunderbird, sunface, scroll, rock art and geometric design
 by Dean Haungooah of Santa Clara Dean Haungooah, Santa Clara, A small black jar decorated with a sgraffito eagle, thunderbird, sunface, scroll, rock art and geometric design
Artist: Dean Haungooah

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc5a101
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 3.75 in L by 3.75 in W by 4.25 in H

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A black on white jar with an organic rim and decorated with a couple of pterodactyls sitting on a wire with some birds
 by William Pacheco of Santo Domingo William Pacheco, Santo Domingo, A black on white jar with an organic rim and decorated with a couple of pterodactyls sitting on a wire with some birds
Artist: William Pacheco

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: zzsd5a142m1
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 8.25 in L by 8.75 in W by 7.25 in H

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A koshare child with a slice of watermelon, and a bird, butterfly and lady bug
 by Marilyn Ray of Acoma Marilyn Ray, Acoma, A koshare child with a slice of watermelon, and a bird, butterfly and lady bug
Artist: Marilyn Ray

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: dkac4m119
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 2.25 in L by 1.75 in W by 3.5 in H

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A small polychrome jar decorated with a two-panel hummingbird, roadrunner, flower, cloud and geometric design
 by Marcellus Medina of Zia Marcellus Medina, Zia, A small polychrome jar decorated with a two-panel hummingbird, roadrunner, flower, cloud and geometric design
Artist: Marcellus Medina & Elizabeth Medina

Pueblo: Zia
Item Number: zzza5b141m2
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 4.75 in H

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A Corn Maiden storyteller figure wearing a feathered headdress and with one child and a bird
 by Linda Lucero Fragua of Jemez Linda Lucero Fragua, Jemez, A Corn Maiden storyteller figure wearing a feathered headdress and with one child and a bird
Artist: Linda Lucero Fragua

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: zzje4m163
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 3 in L by 3.25 in W by 7.5 in H

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A sitting grandmother storyteller figuring wearing a tablito and with 3 children, a pot, 2 cats, a bird and a puppy on her
 by Judy Lewis of Acoma Judy Lewis, Acoma, A sitting grandmother storyteller figuring wearing a tablito and with 3 children, a pot, 2 cats, a bird and a puppy on her
Artist: Judy Lewis

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4a160
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 6 in L by 4.25 in W by 9.5 in H

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A small black bowl with sienna spots and a sgraffito hummingbird, quail, butterfly and geometric design around the body
 by Candelaria Suazo of Santa Clara Candelaria Suazo, Santa Clara, A small black bowl with sienna spots and a sgraffito hummingbird, quail, butterfly and geometric design around the body
Artist: Candelaria Suazo

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc4m110m4
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 2.75 in L by 2.75 in W by 1.75 in H

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Large polychrome canteen with a bird, cactus and geometric design on the front and an exposed-coil  red back
 by Unknown of Santo Domingo Unknown, Santo Domingo, Large polychrome canteen with a bird, cactus and geometric design on the front and an exposed-coil red back
Artist: Unknown

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: thsd3f300
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 12.25 in L by 11.5 in W by 6.5 in H
Sale Price: $ 775

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A polychrome jar decorated with a sgraffito and painted bird, butterfly, branch, leaf and flower design
 by Blanca Arras of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Blanca Arras, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A polychrome jar decorated with a sgraffito and painted bird, butterfly, branch, leaf and flower design
Artist: Blanca Arras

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg4k185m10
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 4.5 in H

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A polychrome seed pot decorated with a hummingbird, wing applique, flower and geometric design
 by Carolyn Concho of Acoma Carolyn Concho, Acoma, A polychrome seed pot decorated with a hummingbird, wing applique, flower and geometric design
Artist: Carolyn Concho

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4m020m2
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 2.75 in L by 2.75 in W by 1.5 in H

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Polychrome bird effigy jar with a geometric design and a bird in its beak
 by Gerardo Tena of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Gerardo Tena, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, Polychrome bird effigy jar with a geometric design and a bird in its beak
Artist: Gerardo Tena & Norma Hernandez

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg3c213m9
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 3 in L by 5.25 in W by 6 in H, measurement includes stand

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