Pottery-Making Demonstrations

Rebecca Lucario preparing to paint and Amanda Lucario painting

Hubert Candelario smoothing the interior of a piece as he forms it
On a regular basis some of our potters come in and put on pottery-making demonstrations for our customers. They show the clay they use, how they use it, the materials they use to make and apply the slips, paints and other decorations, whether they are painted, etched or carved. They show their scrapers and polishing stones, usually relating stories of where those tools came from (they're often passed down through generations in the family). They show everything except the digging and preparation of the clay and the final firing of the pieces. The potters also love to answer questions about their processes, shapes and designs. It's a great opportunity to meet your favorite artists and get to know them a bit. Often there's a crowd of folks hanging out around the tables by the bookcase in the back where the artists are working. We also put together a display near that area where visitors can see other pieces created by those artists.
Hector Javier Martinez and his wife, Gabriella Perez de Martinez, usually come to visit on the Day of the Dead (the day after Halloween). Diego Valles and his wife, Carla Martinez, tend to visit over the weekend of the Santa Fe International Folk Art Market, usually the second weekend in July. Other demos are spread through the year. Among our list of other demo artists are Franklin Peters, Thomas Tenorio, Hubert Candelario, Rebecca Lucario with Amanda and Daniel, Wilma Baca Tosa, Anderson Peynetsa, Paula Estevan and Robert Kasero Sr., Sammy Naranjo, Ruby Panana, Rachel Sahmie and Jason Ebelacker.
Because the in-person 2020 Santa Fe Indian Market was cancelled and forced online, we organized with many of our favorite potters to present pottery-making demonstrations through that month of August. Everyone enjoyed that so much, we have continued to schedule regular demonstrations. Our live-streaming schedule is here and as these demonstrations occur, recordings of each are placed on our Youtube channel, available for watching any time.

Hector Javier Martinez etching a Day of the Dead pot while folks look on

Paula Estevan painting one of her jars while Robert Kasero Sr. smoothes the surface of one of his seed pots