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Your search for lightning returned 23 result(s) sorted by price.

Information about: in-store pottery-making demonstrations and the traditional process of making pottery

A large polychrome seed pot decorated with a classic checkerboard, basketweave and lightning bolt design
 by Grace Chino of Acoma Grace Chino, Acoma, A large polychrome seed pot decorated with a classic checkerboard, basketweave and lightning bolt design
Artist: Grace Chino

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: pbac4f031
Price: $ 3250
Dimensions: 10 in L by 10 in W by 8.75 in H

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A double-shouldered polychrome jar decorated with an American flag, kiva step, lightning bolt and geometric design
 by Robert Tenorio of Santo Domingo Robert Tenorio, Santo Domingo, A double-shouldered polychrome jar decorated with an American flag, kiva step, lightning bolt and geometric design
Artist: Robert Tenorio

Pueblo: Santo Domingo
Item Number: mmsd5a296
Price: $ 2400
Dimensions: 9.75 in L by 9.75 in W by 8.25 in H

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Polychrome micaceous jar with a painted feather ring and geometric design and inlaid turquoise and stone details
 by Barbara Gonzales of San Ildefonso Barbara Gonzales, San Ildefonso, Polychrome micaceous jar with a painted feather ring and geometric design and inlaid turquoise and stone details
Artist: Barbara Gonzales

Pueblo: San Ildefonso
Item Number: cjsi2c281
Price: $ 1900
Dimensions: 7.5 in L by 7.5 in W by 7.25 in H

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A black-on-white jar with a pie crust rim, an Awatovi star and a six-panel lightning bolt, spiral and geometric design
 by Helen Naha aka Feather Woman of Hopi Helen Naha aka Feather Woman, Hopi, A black-on-white jar with a pie crust rim, an Awatovi star and a six-panel lightning bolt, spiral and geometric design
Artist: Helen Naha aka Feather Woman

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: emho4e181
Price: $ 1500
Dimensions: 7.5 in L by 7.5 in W by 4 in H

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A black on white jar decorated with a four-panel lightning bolt, yucca-leaf snowflake and geometric design
 by Cletus Victorino of Acoma Cletus Victorino, Acoma, A black on white jar decorated with a four-panel lightning bolt, yucca-leaf snowflake and geometric design
Artist: Cletus Victorino

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac4m194
Price: $ 1250
Dimensions: 8.5 in L by 8.5 in W by 8.5 in H

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Miniature red seed pot with sgraffito eagle, lightning bolt, storm cloud, and geometric design
 by Susan Romero of Santa Clara Susan Romero, Santa Clara, Miniature red seed pot with sgraffito eagle, lightning bolt, storm cloud, and geometric design
Artist: Susan Romero

Pueblo: Santa Clara
Item Number: zzsc2k014
Price: $ 995
Dimensions: 1.75 in L by 1.75 in W by 1.75 in H

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A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel fine line, lightning bolt and geometric design
 by Rose Chino Garcia of Acoma Rose Chino Garcia, Acoma, A polychrome seed pot decorated with a four-panel fine line, lightning bolt and geometric design
Artist: Rose Chino Garcia

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: plac4f300
Price: $ 975
Dimensions: 7.25 in L by 7.25 in W by 4 in H

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A black-on-white jar decorated with a fine line and lightning bolt geometric design
 by Carmel Lewis of Acoma Carmel Lewis, Acoma, A black-on-white jar decorated with a fine line and lightning bolt geometric design
Artist: Carmel Lewis

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: rbac4j155
Price: $ 850
Dimensions: 6.5 in L by 6.5 in W by 6.25 in H

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Polychrome jar with a four-panel cornstalk, kiva step, and geometric design on side, and a painted lightning bolt detail on inside
 by Juanita Fragua of Jemez Juanita Fragua, Jemez, Polychrome jar with a four-panel cornstalk, kiva step, and geometric design on side, and a painted lightning bolt detail on inside
Artist: Juanita Fragua

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: cjje4b155
Price: $ 795
Dimensions: 8.5 in L by 8.5 in W by 7.75 in H

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A glossy black jar decorated around the body with a tooled lightning bolt geometric design
 by Reynaldo Quezada of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Reynaldo Quezada, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A glossy black jar decorated around the body with a tooled lightning bolt geometric design
Artist: Reynaldo Quezada

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: zzcg4m106m2
Price: $ 750
Dimensions: 9 in L by 9 in W by 6.5 in H

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A black-on-white bowl decorated with a lightning bolt geometric design
 by Dolores Lewis of Acoma Dolores Lewis, Acoma, A black-on-white bowl decorated with a lightning bolt geometric design
Artist: Dolores Lewis

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: dkac4j032
Price: $ 675
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 3.5 in H

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Black-on-black seed pot with a sienna spot, micaceous slip below the shoulder, a sgraffito and painted avanyu, spider, and feather ring geometric design, and inlaid stone details
 by Barbara Gonzales of San Ildefonso Barbara Gonzales, San Ildefonso, Black-on-black seed pot with a sienna spot, micaceous slip below the shoulder, a sgraffito and painted avanyu, spider, and feather ring geometric design, and inlaid stone details
Artist: Barbara Gonzales

Pueblo: San Ildefonso
Item Number: mhsi3m104
Price: $ 595
Dimensions: 3.5 in L by 3.5 in W by 2 in H

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Polychrome jar with a cornstalk, feather, and geometric design on front and a lightning bolt detail inside the rim
 by Juanita Fragua of Jemez Juanita Fragua, Jemez, Polychrome jar with a cornstalk, feather, and geometric design on front and a lightning bolt detail inside the rim
Artist: Juanita Fragua

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: dkje3f153
Price: $ 550
Dimensions: 6 in L by 6 in W by 5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a flat body, a flared opening, and a fine line, kiva step, lightning bolt, and geometric design
 by Bill Navasie of Hopi Bill Navasie, Hopi, Polychrome jar with a flat body, a flared opening, and a fine line, kiva step, lightning bolt, and geometric design
Artist: Bill Navasie

Pueblo: Hopi
Item Number: plho4b190
Price: $ 495
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 3.75 in H

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Polychrome on micaceous gold spiral melon jar with a kiva step and geometric design and a painted lightning bolt detail inside opening
 by Juanita Fragua of Jemez Juanita Fragua, Jemez, Polychrome on micaceous gold spiral melon jar with a kiva step and geometric design and a painted lightning bolt detail inside opening
Artist: Juanita Fragua

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: plje4b116
Price: $ 475
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 5.5 in H

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Polychrome jar with a cornstalk, feather ring, and geometric design on side and a painted lightning bolt detail inside opening
 by Juanita Fragua of Jemez Juanita Fragua, Jemez, Polychrome jar with a cornstalk, feather ring, and geometric design on side and a painted lightning bolt detail inside opening
Artist: Juanita Fragua

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: plje4b109
Price: $ 450
Dimensions: 6 in L by 6 in W by 5.75 in H

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Buff jar with a spiral melon design above shoulder and a painted lightning bolt detail inside opening
 by Juanita Fragua of Jemez Juanita Fragua, Jemez, Buff jar with a spiral melon design above shoulder and a painted lightning bolt detail inside opening
Artist: Juanita Fragua

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: ssje4c222
Price: $ 425
Dimensions: 6.25 in L by 6.25 in W by 3.25 in H

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Buff spiral melon jar with a square opening and a painted lightning bolt detail inside rim
 by Juanita Fragua of Jemez Juanita Fragua, Jemez, Buff spiral melon jar with a square opening and a painted lightning bolt detail inside rim
Artist: Juanita Fragua

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: ddje4c134
Price: $ 395
Dimensions: 6 in L by 6 in W by 6.25 in H

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Buff and black jar with a four-panel carved and painted cornstalk, kiva step, and geometric design
 by Juanita Fragua of Jemez Juanita Fragua, Jemez, Buff and black jar with a four-panel carved and painted cornstalk, kiva step, and geometric design
Artist: Juanita Fragua

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: llje3e335
Price: $ 375
Dimensions: 6.75 in L by 6.75 in W by 3.5 in H

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Polychrome Potsuwii bowl with a carved and painted four-panel kiva step, lightning bolt, and geometric design
 by Dominguita Sisneros of Ohkay Owingeh Dominguita Sisneros, Ohkay Owingeh, Polychrome Potsuwii bowl with a carved and painted four-panel kiva step, lightning bolt, and geometric design
Artist: Dominguita Sisneros

Pueblo: Ohkay Owingeh
Item Number: thsj3k277
Price: $ 275
Dimensions: 4.25 in L by 4.25 in W by 2.75 in H

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A black seed pot with a sienna spot and a sgraffito avanyu and geometric design with an inlaid stone
 by Juan Tafoya of San Ildefonso Juan Tafoya, San Ildefonso, A black seed pot with a sienna spot and a sgraffito avanyu and geometric design with an inlaid stone
Artist: Juan Tafoya

Pueblo: San Ildefonso
Item Number: jbsi3f301
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 3 in L by 3 in W by 2.75 in H

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Polychrome jar with a lizard, kiva step, and geometric design around the outside and a lightning bolt detail inside the rim
 by Juanita Fragua of Jemez Juanita Fragua, Jemez, Polychrome jar with a lizard, kiva step, and geometric design around the outside and a lightning bolt detail inside the rim
Artist: Juanita Fragua

Pueblo: Jemez
Item Number: dkje3f139
Price: $ 225
Dimensions: 3 in L by 3 in W by 3.75 in H

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A black on white vase with a pie crust rim and decorated with a lightning bolt and geometric design
 by Paula Estevan of Acoma Paula Estevan, Acoma, A black on white vase with a pie crust rim and decorated with a lightning bolt and geometric design
Artist: Paula Estevan

Pueblo: Acoma
Item Number: zzac5a170m3
Price: $ SOLD
Dimensions: 7 in L by 7 in W by 7.25 in H

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