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Your search for Jesus Quezada returned 1 result(s) sorted by price.

Information about: in-store pottery-making demonstrations and the traditional process of making pottery

A black-on-black owl effigy jar decorated with wing appliques and geometric designs, 1998 First Place Ribbon from New Mexico State Fair
 by Jesus Quezada of Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes Jesus Quezada, Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes, A black-on-black owl effigy jar decorated with wing appliques and geometric designs, 1998 First Place Ribbon from New Mexico State Fair
Artist: Jesus Quezada

Pueblo: Mata Ortiz and Casas Grandes
Item Number: lkcg4d241
Price: $ 695
Dimensions: 10.25 in L by 9.75 in W by 8.5 in H

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